
Python—对目录中的所有文件执行比较函数,python,directory,python-import,Python,Directory,Python Import,我有一个函数可以找到字符串的平均长度 def mean_length(sequence): sum = 0.0 nonblank = 0 for string in sequence: if string.strip(): sum = sum + len(string) nonblank = nonblank + 1 return sum/nonblank 我在创建一个新函数时遇到了麻烦,该函数将


 def mean_length(sequence):
    sum = 0.0
    nonblank = 0
    for string in sequence:
        if string.strip():
            sum = sum + len(string)
            nonblank = nonblank + 1
    return sum/nonblank

path = # This will be the path to the directory from your current working driectory

import glob
files = glob.glob(path + '*.txt') # This returns a list containing all files that are in the path that end in ".txt"
for file in files:
    # Do what you need to do here for each file