
带贪婪组的Python正则表达式,python,regex,Python,Regex,这是输入文件的内容 sb.txt JOHN:ENGINEER:35 这些是用于评估文件的模式 finp = open(r'C:\Users\dhiwakarr\PycharmProjects\BasicConcepts\sb.txt','r') for line in finp: biodata1 = re.search(r'([\w\W])+?:([\w\W])+?:([\w\W])+?',line) biodata2 = re.search(r'([\w\W]+?):([



finp = open(r'C:\Users\dhiwakarr\PycharmProjects\BasicConcepts\sb.txt','r')

for line in finp:
   biodata1 = re.search(r'([\w\W])+?:([\w\W])+?:([\w\W])+?',line)
   biodata2 = re.search(r'([\w\W]+?):([\w\W]+?):([\w\W]+?)',line)
   print('line is '+line)
   print('re.search(r([\w\W])+?:([\w\W])+?:([\w\W])+? '+biodata1.group(1)+' '+biodata1.group(2)+' '+biodata1.group(3))
   print('re.search(r([\w\W]+?):([\w\W]+?):([\w\W]+?) '+biodata2.group(1)+' '+biodata2.group(2)+' '+biodata2.group(3))

line is JOHN:ENGINEER:35
re.search(r([\w\W])+?:([\w\W])+?:([\w\W])+? N R 3
re.search(r([\w\W]+?):([\w\W]+?):([\w\W]+?) JOHN ENGINEER 3

  • 为什么第一个搜索模式与工程师约翰的最后几个字符匹配,而与35的第一个字符匹配?我原以为一旦发现约翰和工程师的第一个角色,贪婪的角色“?”就会退出

  • 有人能帮我理解“+?”的位置如何影响

  • biodata1和biodata2之间的区别在于括号的位置


    The parenthesis matches one rgument before : for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    But there is no ending criteria for group(3) so it matched the first letter 3 after :
    You are matching all the words and non-words before : whicj should atleast have 1 words for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    but for group(3) you are matching all the word and non-word after second:
    This checks if there is at least one or more character matching the given regex if so match it

    The parenthesis matches one rgument before : for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    But there is no ending criteria for group(3) so it matched the first letter 3 after :
    You are matching all the words and non-words before : whicj should atleast have 1 words for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    but for group(3) you are matching all the word and non-word after second:
    This checks if there is at least one or more character matching the given regex if so match it

    The parenthesis matches one rgument before : for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    But there is no ending criteria for group(3) so it matched the first letter 3 after :
    You are matching all the words and non-words before : whicj should atleast have 1 words for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    but for group(3) you are matching all the word and non-word after second:
    This checks if there is at least one or more character matching the given regex if so match it

    The parenthesis matches one rgument before : for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    But there is no ending criteria for group(3) so it matched the first letter 3 after :
    You are matching all the words and non-words before : whicj should atleast have 1 words for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    but for group(3) you are matching all the word and non-word after second:
    This checks if there is at least one or more character matching the given regex if so match it

    The parenthesis matches one rgument before : for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    But there is no ending criteria for group(3) so it matched the first letter 3 after :
    You are matching all the words and non-words before : whicj should atleast have 1 words for group(1)
    like wise for group(2)
    but for group(3) you are matching all the word and non-word after second:
    This checks if there is at least one or more character matching the given regex if so match it

    每个组应该包含什么值?我不是在组中寻找任何特定的值。我只是想弄明白为什么约翰,工程师的最后两个角色,即“N”和“R”分别匹配?我原以为贪婪会在第一个模式biodata1中找到第一个字符后立即退出匹配。还有为什么biodata2会匹配所有的字符?那么你正在尝试匹配每个字母数字单词的第一个字符?是的,这是我所期望的,但对于为什么biodata1Thanks@Vignesh Kalai中的第(1)组和第(2)组会匹配最后的字符感到困惑,但不会+?之前发现一个字符“J”就退出:然后进入下一组?在biodata1No+中?实际上,这意味着它必须至少匹配一个字符,它可以匹配多个字符。生物数据1它只能匹配一个字符,并且你给了该字符一个结束限制,即:因此它在