
QuickBooks更新项目数量不起作用,quickbooks,updating,quickbooks-online,inventory,Quickbooks,Updating,Quickbooks Online,Inventory,我正在尝试通过QuickBooks v3.0的IPP.NET SDK手动更新Item.qty。 我选择了 我跟踪此产品的现有数量 复选框,用于我要更新的产品。但我总是会出错: 详细信息=业务验证错误:已售出商品的库存成本 如果您要跟踪此项目的库存数量,则需要帐户 产品 如何更新现有数量? 我的代码: 这个问题要求不高。为了避免此类错误,我在请求中添加了AccountRef。例如: var accReference = accounts["Cost of Goods Sold"];

我正在尝试通过QuickBooks v3.0的IPP.NET SDK手动更新Item.qty。 我选择了



详细信息=业务验证错误:已售出商品的库存成本 如果您要跟踪此项目的库存数量,则需要帐户 产品

如何更新现有数量? 我的代码:


var accReference = accounts["Cost of Goods Sold"];
            var expenseAccountRef = new ReferenceType { type = accReference.AccountType.ToString(), name = accReference.Name, Value = accReference.Id };
            foreach( var item in items )
                batch.Add( new Item()
                    Name = item.Name,
                    Id = item.Id,
                    SyncToken = item.SyncToken,
                    QtyOnHand = item.QtyOnHand + 1,
                    QtyOnHandSpecified = true,
                    ExpenseAccountRef = expenseAccountRef,

                }, item.Id, OperationEnum.update );
    "BatchItemResponse" : [{
            "Fault" : {
                "Error" : [{
                        "Message" : "A business validation error has occurred while processing your request",
                        "Detail" : "Business Validation Error: An inventory cost-of-goods-sold account is required if you are tracking inventory quantities for this product.",
                        "code" : "6000",
                        "element" : ""
                "type" : "ValidationFault"
            "bId" : "20"
        }, {
            "Fault" : {
                "Error" : [{
                        "Message" : "A business validation error has occurred while processing your request",
                        "Detail" : "Business Validation Error: An inventory cost-of-goods-sold account is required if you are tracking inventory quantities for this product.",
                        "code" : "6000",
                        "element" : ""
                "type" : "ValidationFault"
            "bId" : "23"
        }, {
            "Fault" : {
                "Error" : [{
                        "Message" : "A business validation error has occurred while processing your request",
                        "Detail" : "Business Validation Error: An inventory cost-of-goods-sold account is required if you are tracking inventory quantities for this product.",
                        "code" : "6000",
                        "element" : ""
                "type" : "ValidationFault"
            "bId" : "21"
        }, {
            "Fault" : {
                "Error" : [{
                        "Message" : "A business validation error has occurred while processing your request",
                        "Detail" : "Business Validation Error: An inventory cost-of-goods-sold account is required if you are tracking inventory quantities for this product.",
                        "code" : "6000",
                        "element" : ""
                "type" : "ValidationFault"
            "bId" : "22"
    "time" : "2014-10-09T12:42:48.715-07:00"
var accReference = accounts["Cost of Goods Sold"];
            var expenseAccountRef = new ReferenceType { type = accReference.AccountType.ToString(), name = accReference.Name, Value = accReference.Id };
            foreach( var item in items )
                batch.Add( new Item()
                    Name = item.Name,
                    Id = item.Id,
                    SyncToken = item.SyncToken,
                    QtyOnHand = item.QtyOnHand + 1,
                    QtyOnHandSpecified = true,
                    ExpenseAccountRef = expenseAccountRef,

                }, item.Id, OperationEnum.update );