
在R中创建透视表,r,pivot-table,percentage,R,Pivot Table,Percentage,我知道这已经被问了很多次了,但我在过去的两天里浏览了互联网,找不到创建数据透视表或汇总表所需的帮助,就像使用excel一样。我是一个完全不懂R的新手,所以我发现R包帮助文件中的大多数示例都太复杂了 我有一个数据列表(“集合”),如下所示 Phase class NISP <chr> <chr> <int> 1 L Aves 11 2 L Fish 128 3 L Mammals 14 4



Phase   class  NISP
   <chr>   <chr> <int>
1      L    Aves    11
2      L    Fish   128
3      L Mammals    14
4      K    Aves    63
5      K    Fish    30
6      K Mammals   311
7      J    Aves   170
8      J    Fish   327
9      J Mammals   740
10     I    Aves    45
# ... with 18 more rows

  • 将(全部)替换为“总计”
  • 按以下顺序排列列(“阶段”、“哺乳动物”、“鱼类”、“鸟类”、“不确定”、“总计”)
  • 添加新列,其中包含每个阶段每个动物类别的百分比(占行总数的百分比)

    • 下面的代码应该一步一步地完成所有工作。如果有什么不清楚的地方,请告诉我

      # make some data
      df = data.frame(Phase = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3), 
                      Fish = floor(rnorm(5, 150)),
                      Mammal = floor(rnorm(5, 50)))
      df$all = rowSums(df[, 2:3])
      # 1 change name
      names(df)[which(names(df) == 'all')] = 'Total'
      # 2 - reverse Fish and Mammal
      idx1 = 2:3 # columns to change
      idx2 = 3:2 # new order of columns
      df[, idx1] = df[, idx2]
      names(df)[idx1] = names(df)[idx2]
      # 3 - calculate percentages
      idxT = 2:3 # column indices of interest
      newColNames = paste('%', names(df)[idxT])
      tmp = df[, idxT, drop = FALSE] / matrix(df["Total"], ncol = length(idxT))
      colnames(tmp) = newColNames
      df = cbind(df, tmp)

      Phase Aves Fish Indeterminate Mammals (all)
      1      A    1    0             0       6     7
      2      B    2    0             0       3     5
      3      C   58   20             0     255   333
      4      E    5    2             0       5    12
      5      F   14    0             0      17    31
      6      H  121  154             1     784  1060
      7      I   45  110             0     149   304
      8      J  170  327             0     740  1237
      9      K   63   30             0     311   404
      10     L   11  128             0      14   153
      11 (all)  490  771             1    2284  3546
      # make some data
      df = data.frame(Phase = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3), 
                      Fish = floor(rnorm(5, 150)),
                      Mammal = floor(rnorm(5, 50)))
      df$all = rowSums(df[, 2:3])
      # 1 change name
      names(df)[which(names(df) == 'all')] = 'Total'
      # 2 - reverse Fish and Mammal
      idx1 = 2:3 # columns to change
      idx2 = 3:2 # new order of columns
      df[, idx1] = df[, idx2]
      names(df)[idx1] = names(df)[idx2]
      # 3 - calculate percentages
      idxT = 2:3 # column indices of interest
      newColNames = paste('%', names(df)[idxT])
      tmp = df[, idxT, drop = FALSE] / matrix(df["Total"], ncol = length(idxT))
      colnames(tmp) = newColNames
      df = cbind(df, tmp)