R 具有不相等向量和ID公差的交点

R 具有不相等向量和ID公差的交点,r,vector,subset,intersection,assign,R,Vector,Subset,Intersection,Assign,我有一个关于匹配两个向量之间的值的问题。 假设我有一个向量和数据帧: data.frame value name vector 2 154.0031 A 154.0084 154.0768 B 159.0344 154.2145 C 154.0755 154.4954 D

我有一个关于匹配两个向量之间的值的问题。 假设我有一个向量和数据帧:

  value  name                       vector 2
154.0031  A                         154.0084
154.0768  B                         159.0344
154.2145  C                         154.0755
154.4954  D                         156.7758
156.7731  E
156.8399  F
159.0299  G
159.6555  H
159.9384  I

  value  name                       vector 2 name
154.0031  A                         154.0074  A
154.0768  B                         159.0334  G
154.2145  C                         154.0755  B
154.4954  D                         156.7758  E
156.7731  E
156.8399  F
159.0299  G
159.6555  H
159.9384  I



# calculate distances between elements of each object
# rows are df and columns are vec 2
myDists <- outer(df$value, vec2, FUN=function(x, y) abs(x - y))

# get the values that have less than some given value
# using arr.ind =TRUE returns a matrix with the row and column positions
matches <- which(myDists < 0.05, arr.ind=TRUE)

data.frame(name = df$name[matches[, 1]], value=vec2[matches[, 2]])
name    value
1    A 154.0084
2    G 159.0344
3    B 154.0755
4    E 156.7758
#行为df,列为vec 2

# get closest matches for each element of vec2
closest <- tapply(matches[,1], list(matches[,2]), min)

# fill in the names.
# NA will appear where there are no obs that meet the threshold.
data.frame(name = df$name[closest][match(as.integer(names(closest)),
                                         seq_along(vec2))], value=vec2)
df <- read.table(header=TRUE, text="value  name
154.0031  A
154.0768  B
154.2145  C
154.4954  D
156.7731  E
156.8399  F
159.0299  G
159.6555  H
159.9384  I")

vec2 <- c(154.0084, 159.0344, 154.0755, 156.7758)