R 创建具有特定行的数据框,这些行汇总其上方的行

R 创建具有特定行的数据框,这些行汇总其上方的行,r,data.table,R,Data.table,我希望将以下(我显示的是一个子集)表结构转换为下表的结构: 第一个表: 我感兴趣的表格格式(是的,我知道数字不匹配:): 请注意,对于每个月/年,在第二个表中,都有一个特定的行,该行按照该时间框架汇总所有产品的所有指标 请记住,我对excel输出不感兴趣,只对R数据框感兴趣,因此请忽略excel格式(仅用于说明) 谢谢你在这方面的帮助 实际数据: > dput(by_Category) structure(list(month = c("June", "June", "June", "








> dput(by_Category)
structure(list(month = c("June", "June", "June", "July", "July", 
"July", "August", "August", "August", "September", "September", 
"September", "October", "October", "October", "November", "November", 
"November", "December", "December", "December", "January", "January", 
"January"), year = c(2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 
2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 
2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2014L, 2015L, 2015L, 2015L
), product = c("Brand", "Mortgage", "Checking", "Brand", "Mortgage", 
"Checking", "Checking", "Brand", "Mortgage", "Mortgage", "Checking", 
"Brand", "Brand", "Mortgage", "Checking", "Checking", "Brand", 
"Mortgage", "Brand", "Mortgage", "Checking", "Checking", "Mortgage", 
"Brand"), Impressions = c(11080657L, 765783L, 87563L, 21880672L, 
507342L, 172617L, 104574L, 20292846L, 523052L, 214881L, 156690L, 
17880970L, 21893633L, 121287L, 124176876L, 3568142L, 20973383L, 
133835L, 32668854L, 299156L, 242516L, 101418L, 244092L, 13764648L
), Clicks = c(6239, 1138, 368, 13991, 1075, 863, 832, 14023, 
1219, 795, 772, 11850, 13467, 491, 2576, 1053, 13163, 528, 18848, 
832, 1276, 453, 526, 8115), Cost = c(275942.27, 85683.48, 15444.74, 
557316.24, 51421.06, 25744.83, 14857.63, 411448.37, 23239.77, 
16460.48, 17123.59, 371273.42, 633968.81, 8241.01, 274317.83, 
29012.48, 591660.75, 10074.87, 935308.2, 29182.41, 33350.83, 
8940.7, 26972.85, 343058.68), Leads = c(19, 4, 3, 24, 7, 8, 4, 
16, 6, 11, 4, 28, 15, 1, 2, 5, 12, 9, 36, 7, 15, 1, 6, 14), Sales = c(10, 
0, 3, 15, 0, 8, 4, 10, 0, 0, 4, 13, 9, 0, 2, 5, 7, 0, 23, 0, 
15, 1, 0, 12), CTR = c(0.000563053255777162, 0.00148606067254039, 
0.00420268835010221, 0.000639422774583889, 0.00211888627395327, 
0.00499950758036578, 0.00795608851148469, 0.000691031706444724, 
0.00233055222042933, 0.00369972217180672, 0.00492692577701193, 
0.000662715725153613, 0.000615110338243087, 0.00404824919406037, 
2.07446030450951e-05, 0.000295111573474374, 0.000627604998201768, 
0.003945156349236, 0.000576940960341002, 0.00278115765687467, 
0.00526150851902555, 0.00446666272259362, 0.00215492519214067, 
0.000589553761200432), CR = c(0.00304535983330662, 0.00351493848857645, 
0.00815217391304348, 0.00171538846401258, 0.00651162790697674, 
0.00926998841251448, 0.00480769230769231, 0.00114098267132568, 
0.00492206726825267, 0.0138364779874214, 0.00518134715025907, 
0.00236286919831224, 0.00111383381599465, 0.00203665987780041, 
0.00077639751552795, 0.00474833808167141, 0.000911646281242878, 
0.0170454545454545, 0.00191001697792869, 0.00841346153846154, 
0.0117554858934169, 0.0022075055187638, 0.0114068441064639, 0.00172520024645718
), CPL = c(14523.2773684211, 21420.87, 5148.24666666667, 23221.51, 
7345.86571428571, 3218.10375, 3714.4075, 25715.523125, 3873.295, 
1496.40727272727, 4280.8975, 13259.765, 42264.5873333333, 8241.01, 
137158.915, 5802.496, 49305.0625, 1119.43, 25980.7833333333, 
4168.91571428571, 2223.38866666667, 8940.7, 4495.475, 24504.1914285714
), Position = c(1.00284364890993, 3.24110957263005, 1.95605621399421, 
1.00642818576169, 3.60166775110044, 2.07929174421411, 1.98501600233384, 
1.01374247742477, 3.52345002411718, 3.41760988348958, 2.13315118103254, 
1.01430764088476, 1.01265558628881, 3.48525875816657, 2.08975092018214, 
2.20535265918782, 1.01536444417941, 3.24182759049732, 1.01389272247512, 
3.19728235559245, 2.04401910200155, 2.05710547377685, 2.80872445526243, 
1.01353081607188)), .Names = c("month", "year", "product", "Impressions", 
"Clicks", "Cost", "Leads", "Sales", "CTR", "CR", "CPL", "Position"
), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -24L
), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x0000000000220788>)
1219, 795, 772, 11850, 13467, 491, 2576, 1053, 13163, 528, 18848, 
557316.24, 51421.06, 25744.83, 14857.63, 411448.37, 23239.77, 
16460.48, 17123.59, 371273.42, 633968.81, 8241.01, 274317.83, 
29012.48, 591660.75, 10074.87, 935308.2, 29182.41, 33350.83, 
0, 3, 15, 0, 8, 4, 10, 0, 0, 4, 13, 9, 0, 2, 5, 7, 0, 23, 0, 
0.00420268835010221, 0.000639422774583889, 0.00211888627395327, 
0.00499950758036578, 0.00795608851148469, 0.000691031706444724, 
0.00233055222042933, 0.00369972217180672, 0.00492692577701193, 
0.000662715725153613, 0.000615110338243087, 0.00404824919406037, 
0.003945156349236, 0.000576940960341002, 0.00278115765687467, 
0.00526150851902555, 0.00446666272259362, 0.00215492519214067, 
0.00815217391304348, 0.00171538846401258, 0.00651162790697674, 
0.00926998841251448, 0.00480769230769231, 0.00114098267132568, 
0.00492206726825267, 0.0138364779874214, 0.00518134715025907, 
0.00236286919831224, 0.00111383381599465, 0.00203665987780041, 
0.00077639751552795, 0.00474833808167141, 0.000911646281242878, 
0.0170454545454545, 0.00191001697792869, 0.00841346153846154, 
0.0117554858934169, 0.0022075055187638, 0.0114068441064639, 0.00172520024645718
7345.86571428571, 3218.10375, 3714.4075, 25715.523125, 3873.295, 
1496.40727272727, 4280.8975, 13259.765, 42264.5873333333, 8241.01, 
137158.915, 5802.496, 49305.0625, 1119.43, 25980.7833333333, 
4168.91571428571, 2223.38866666667, 8940.7, 4495.475, 24504.1914285714
1.00642818576169, 3.60166775110044, 2.07929174421411, 1.98501600233384, 
1.01374247742477, 3.52345002411718, 3.41760988348958, 2.13315118103254, 
1.01430764088476, 1.01265558628881, 3.48525875816657, 2.08975092018214, 
2.20535265918782, 1.01536444417941, 3.24182759049732, 1.01389272247512, 
3.19728235559245, 2.04401910200155, 2.05710547377685, 2.80872445526243, 


# create summary by month and year (here I used the sum everywhere, you may want to change that)
dtsums <- by_Category[ , lapply(.SD, sum), by=list(month, year), .SDcols=-'product']
# so you can rbind it 
dtsums[, product := '']
# binding
res <- rbind(by_Category, dtsums)
# change months so you can order by month
res[, month := factor(month, levels=month.name)]
# order by year, month and product
setkey(res, 'year', 'month', 'product')
# show the result
##         month year  product Impressions Clicks      Cost Leads Sales          CTR           CR        CPL Position
##  1:      June 2014             11934003   7745 377070.49    26    13 0.0062518023 0.0147124722  41092.394 6.200009
##  2:      June 2014    Brand    11080657   6239 275942.27    19    10 0.0005630533 0.0030453598  14523.277 1.002844
##  3:      June 2014 Checking       87563    368  15444.74     3     3 0.0042026884 0.0081521739   5148.247 1.956056
##  4:      June 2014 Mortgage      765783   1138  85683.48     4     0 0.0014860607 0.0035149385  21420.870 3.241110
##  5:      July 2014             22560631  15929 634482.13    39    23 0.0077578166 0.0174970048  33785.479 6.687388
##  6:      July 2014    Brand    21880672  13991 557316.24    24    15 0.0006394228 0.0017153885  23221.510 1.006428


# create summary by month and year (here I used the sum everywhere, you may want to change that)
dtsums <- by_Category[ , lapply(.SD, sum), by=list(month, year), .SDcols=-'product']
# so you can rbind it 
dtsums[, product := '']
# binding
res <- rbind(by_Category, dtsums)
# change months so you can order by month
res[, month := factor(month, levels=month.name)]
# order by year, month and product
setkey(res, 'year', 'month', 'product')
# show the result
##         month year  product Impressions Clicks      Cost Leads Sales          CTR           CR        CPL Position
##  1:      June 2014             11934003   7745 377070.49    26    13 0.0062518023 0.0147124722  41092.394 6.200009
##  2:      June 2014    Brand    11080657   6239 275942.27    19    10 0.0005630533 0.0030453598  14523.277 1.002844
##  3:      June 2014 Checking       87563    368  15444.74     3     3 0.0042026884 0.0081521739   5148.247 1.956056
##  4:      June 2014 Mortgage      765783   1138  85683.48     4     0 0.0014860607 0.0035149385  21420.870 3.241110
##  5:      July 2014             22560631  15929 634482.13    39    23 0.0077578166 0.0174970048  33785.479 6.687388
##  6:      July 2014    Brand    21880672  13991 557316.24    24    15 0.0006394228 0.0017153885  23221.510 1.006428


# create summary by month and year (here I used the sum everywhere, you may want to change that)
dtsums <- by_Category[ , lapply(.SD, sum), by=list(month, year), .SDcols=-'product']
# so you can rbind it 
dtsums[, product := '']
# binding
res <- rbind(by_Category, dtsums)
# change months so you can order by month
res[, month := factor(month, levels=month.name)]
# order by year, month and product
setkey(res, 'year', 'month', 'product')
# show the result
##         month year  product Impressions Clicks      Cost Leads Sales          CTR           CR        CPL Position
##  1:      June 2014             11934003   7745 377070.49    26    13 0.0062518023 0.0147124722  41092.394 6.200009
##  2:      June 2014    Brand    11080657   6239 275942.27    19    10 0.0005630533 0.0030453598  14523.277 1.002844
##  3:      June 2014 Checking       87563    368  15444.74     3     3 0.0042026884 0.0081521739   5148.247 1.956056
##  4:      June 2014 Mortgage      765783   1138  85683.48     4     0 0.0014860607 0.0035149385  21420.870 3.241110
##  5:      July 2014             22560631  15929 634482.13    39    23 0.0077578166 0.0174970048  33785.479 6.687388
##  6:      July 2014    Brand    21880672  13991 557316.24    24    15 0.0006394228 0.0017153885  23221.510 1.006428


# create summary by month and year (here I used the sum everywhere, you may want to change that)
dtsums <- by_Category[ , lapply(.SD, sum), by=list(month, year), .SDcols=-'product']
# so you can rbind it 
dtsums[, product := '']
# binding
res <- rbind(by_Category, dtsums)
# change months so you can order by month
res[, month := factor(month, levels=month.name)]
# order by year, month and product
setkey(res, 'year', 'month', 'product')
# show the result
##         month year  product Impressions Clicks      Cost Leads Sales          CTR           CR        CPL Position
##  1:      June 2014             11934003   7745 377070.49    26    13 0.0062518023 0.0147124722  41092.394 6.200009
##  2:      June 2014    Brand    11080657   6239 275942.27    19    10 0.0005630533 0.0030453598  14523.277 1.002844
##  3:      June 2014 Checking       87563    368  15444.74     3     3 0.0042026884 0.0081521739   5148.247 1.956056
##  4:      June 2014 Mortgage      765783   1138  85683.48     4     0 0.0014860607 0.0035149385  21420.870 3.241110
##  5:      July 2014             22560631  15929 634482.13    39    23 0.0077578166 0.0174970048  33785.479 6.687388
##  6:      July 2014    Brand    21880672  13991 557316.24    24    15 0.0006394228 0.0017153885  23221.510 1.006428
