UDx RPC调用InvokeGetUdxType()问题中的R函数失败

UDx RPC调用InvokeGetUdxType()问题中的R函数失败,r,vertica,R,Vertica,我试图在Vertica中创建一个R函数,但我得到了一个错误。 任何帮助或线索都将受到高度重视 dbadmin=> create transform function pred as language 'R' name 'pred' library predLb; ROLLBACK 3399: Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeGetUdxType(): Error calling getUdxType() in User Defined Object [pred

我试图在Vertica中创建一个R函数,但我得到了一个错误。 任何帮助或线索都将受到高度重视

dbadmin=> create transform function pred as language 'R' name 'pred' library predLb;
ROLLBACK 3399:  Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeGetUdxType(): Error calling getUdxType() in User Defined Object [predict] at [/scratch_a/release/16125/vbuild/vertica/OSS/UDxFence/vertica-udx-R.cpp:209], error code: 0, message: Error happened in getUdxType : Exception in processing required attribute udxtype in the factory function : no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "NULL"

Starting UDxSideProcess for language R
with command line: /opt/vertica/bin/vertica-udx-R 3 node-32420:0x61c5 debug-log-off /home/dbadmin/stream/v_stream_node0001_catalog/UDxLogs

2015-06-24 11:15:55.922 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2308] 0x7f3c460457a0 UDx side process started
11:15:55.922 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2308] 0x7f3c460457a0 My port: 46526
11:15:55.922 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2308] 0x7f3c460457a0 My address:
11:15:55.922 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2308] 0x7f3c460457a0 Vertica port: 37765
11:15:55.922 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2308] 0x7f3c460457a0 Vertica address:
11:15:55.922 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2308] 0x7f3c460457a0 Vertica address family: 2
11:15:55.946 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2309] 0x7f3c460457a0 UDx_ereport: Exception in processing required attribute udxtype in the factory function : no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "NULL"
11:15:55.946 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2309] 0x7f3c460457a0 UDx_ereport: Error happened in getUdxType : Exception in processing required attribute udxtype in the factory function : no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "NULL"
11:15:55.946 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2309] 0x7f3c460457a0 Error in recv(): Vertica process has exited abnormally
11:15:58.003 [R-node-32420:0x61c5-2308] 0x7f3c460457a0 Received SIGTERM, exiting
找到了答案! 实际上,R libs没有什么问题,只是拼写问题(,对我来说不是。我不检查R Udx代码。 R函数名为pred,但不同。

找到了答案! 实际上,R-libs并没有什么问题,只是拼写问题!:(,不是我的问题。我不检查R-Udx代码。
