
如何解决日志(z)中的警告:R中产生的NAN?,r,simulation,distribution,R,Simulation,Distribution,我尝试使用不同的数据和GEV分布运行,但我在日志(z)中收到50条关于警告的警告:生成的NAN 这是我的数据t1=2.1466558 2.9447386 2.1410642 1.8847492 2.0233282 2.1907725 3.1755095 2.1142972 2.1889601 2.8422979 1.8555857 1.0429501 2.1383811 3.9976282 14.0612719 6.0016379 4.0426939 3.9845386 5.1821300 3.


t1=2.1466558 2.9447386 2.1410642 1.8847492 2.0233282 2.1907725 3.1755095 2.1142972 2.1889601 2.8422979 1.8555857 1.0429501 2.1383811 3.9976282 14.0612719 6.0016379 4.0426939 3.9845386 5.1821300 3.8703266 2.9009807 3.8450287 3.1019829 4.1811628.0737452.8416872.20472.8037649  6.9629563  2.8223349 10.9695854  1.8985456  0.9444765  6.0065642  2.0394709  9.1677515  5.0589429  4.1036932  4.9599679  3.0425898  1.9477278  3.0447457  8.1563085  4.9423730  3.1336760  1.8389239  3.1262185  1.1628846  3.8445247  2.1454052  1.9209593  0.9197765  2.8171347  8.0249643 13.1267940  6.8506226  2.0811591  2.8517716  2.8864796  1.8227987  8.1442224  2.8798242  5.1112049  2.8529055  6.8265215  1.0436781  3.8380311  2.9659720  3.0153516  2.8497134  24.0545609  3.1952943  3.9564030  7.1348925  3.0067497  2.8581224  13.0294469  1.8576194  2.8081190  6.0940443  1.9729950  4.1334539  9.9874363  2.0489537  1.9479052  2.8050009  3.1097060  8.9115900  23.8376271  3.9219177  2.9991323  3.8501608  4.1910852  4.9508869  11.9260378  5.1473547  6.1864583  2.8165587  3.8589393  5.1742220  2.8812650  4.1469513  2.9816058  6.9291070  4.0086371  2.8950365  3.1368533  2.9716707  4.0936148  4.0987735  8.8792285  2.9914305  15.9832293 11.1705646  4.1691180  2.0268396  9.1313510  2.8457873  5.8162405  5.1019303  2.9493099  3.1892744  6.1027555  5.9852653  6.0070368  5.0606722  3.8827039  2.8579010  3.1809342  2.8639117  4.0446142  8.1086074  6.9708477  3.9406243  3.9113551  2.8471808  3.9408469  1.8318536  4.8696027  6.1638158 10.0075047  4.0620721  2.1995222  2.9713600  0.9827086 11.8048057  3.1639570  4.1820899  2.8913417  5.1807095  1.8735194  3.8650210  2.9308563  6.9203276  7.0470336  2.1721080  1.9304191  2.9782089  4.9717892  1.8260324  4.0094237  6.0354774  4.1934337  3.8605304  6.9868062  9.0001938  19.9510362 10.0213967  1.9980948  1.9564188 10.0595901  5.9441410  5.9212171  1.9805753  2.8141160  9.8859371  2.1912938  5.0260191  7.0394183  3.1071499  4.8651357  4.8464983  3.1653826  4.0813080  0.9293124  2.0533324  3.1302422  5.0649879  1.9045972  3.0304574  6.1638933  1.8765108  2.1042605  5.0677281  7.9328270  5.0485400  11.8101217  2.8496955  3.9641349  2.0423748  3.9535697 10.1833001  1.9963743  3.9404075  1.0794579  5.1952880  2.1310139  3.1615550  4.1934939  2.1528778  1.8080386  7.8411243  9.8299614  6.0534968  4.0174467  2.0321006  6.8884815  3.1990381  3.9448174  4.1087308  2.8989261  3.1667614  3.0734750  4.9591400  4.0537864  5.1886589  2.0860818  3.9166460  3.8028030  2.8333645  2.0257119  3.9347423  2.1057551  2.9608942  5.8546608  3.1449161  1.8630542  5.0733393  1.8331204  3.1629142  4.0929211  6.9565034  3.8253997  2.8041233  5.1246350 3.8994802 2.0389505 5.0663955 3.8854816 1.8575128 1.9655496 3.0056002 4.9812668 4.8201262



stats <- replicate(n.sims, {
  r <- rgevd(n = length(t1),location=fit5$results$par["location"],
             shape= fit5$results$par["shape"], 
             scale = fit5$results$par["scale"])

  estfit.gev <- fevd(r, type = "GEV") # added to account for the estimated parameters

  as.numeric(ks.test(r, "pgevd",location=estfit.gev$results$par["location"],
                     shape= estfit.gev$results$par["shape"], 
                     scale = estfit.gev$results$par["scale"])$statistic)
