
R-将插补的缺失值返回到数据帧中,r,imputation,hmisc,R,Imputation,Hmisc,我用它来插补R数据帧(bn_df)上的缺失值 代码如下: library(Hmisc) impute_arg <- aregImpute(~ TI_Perc + AS_Perc + CD_Perc + CA_Perc + FP_Perc, data = bn_df, n.impute = 5) 库(Hmisc) impute_arg您可以使用函数impute.transcan。由于您没



impute_arg <- aregImpute(~ TI_Perc + AS_Perc + 
                         CD_Perc + CA_Perc + FP_Perc, 
                         data = bn_df, n.impute = 5)


# The data
x1 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),1000,TRUE))
x2 <- (x1=='b') + 3*(x1=='c') + rnorm(1000,0,2)
x3 <- rnorm(1000)
y  <- x2 + 1*(x1=='c') + .2*x3 + rnorm(1000,0,2)
orig.x1 <- x1[1:250]
orig.x2 <- x2[251:350]

# Insert NAs
x1[1:250] <- NA
x2[251:350] <- NA

# Create a data frame 
d <- data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y)
# Find value of nk that yields best validating imputation models
# tlinear=FALSE means to not force the target variable to be linear

# Use imputation 
f <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, nk=c(0,3:5), tlinear=FALSE,
                data=d, B=10) # normally B=75

# Get the imputed values
imputed <-impute.transcan(f, data=d, imputation=1, list.out=TRUE, pr=FALSE, check=FALSE)

# convert the list to the database
imputed.data <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind,imputed))

# arrange the columns accordingly
imputed.data <- imputed.data[, colnames(d), drop = FALSE]

# The data
x1 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),1000,TRUE))
x2 <- (x1=='b') + 3*(x1=='c') + rnorm(1000,0,2)
x3 <- rnorm(1000)
y  <- x2 + 1*(x1=='c') + .2*x3 + rnorm(1000,0,2)
orig.x1 <- x1[1:250]
orig.x2 <- x2[251:350]

# Insert NAs
x1[1:250] <- NA
x2[251:350] <- NA

# Create a data frame 
d <- data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y)
# Find value of nk that yields best validating imputation models
# tlinear=FALSE means to not force the target variable to be linear

# Use imputation 
f <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, nk=c(0,3:5), tlinear=FALSE,
                data=d, B=10) # normally B=75

# Get the imputed values
imputed <-impute.transcan(f, data=d, imputation=1, list.out=TRUE, pr=FALSE, check=FALSE)

# convert the list to the database
imputed.data <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind,imputed))

# arrange the columns accordingly
imputed.data <- imputed.data[, colnames(d), drop = FALSE]