
R-函数中的交叉引用变量,r,R,我有一个由给定的帧db > A <- c(0,1,2,3,0,1) > B <-c('NA','NA','NA','NA','NA','NA') > C <- c('Fnord', 'Fnord','Applebees','Pumpkin','Applebees','Pumpkin') > db <- data.frame(A,B,C) 到目前为止,我在这方面的尝试都失败了。如果之前有人回答过,我道歉-我的搜索引擎没有给我答案 我尝试过的一个例子


> A <- c(0,1,2,3,0,1)
> B <-c('NA','NA','NA','NA','NA','NA')
> C <- c('Fnord', 'Fnord','Applebees','Pumpkin','Applebees','Pumpkin')
> db <- data.frame(A,B,C)


db$D <- sapply(db$C, FUN=function(x) {return(sum(db$A %in% subset(db, C="x")))})
db$B <- db$D - db$A


db <- rbind(db, structure(list(A = 2:3, B = c(0L, 3L), C = structure(2:3, .Label = c("Applebees", 
"Fnord", "Fnord2", "Pumpkin"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("A", 
"B", "C"), row.names = c("7", "8"), class = "data.frame") )

# Then just merge with itself and remove the cases where the C values are '=='
mdb <- merge(db,db, by="A")
mdb[mdb$C.x != mdb$C.y, c('A', 'C.y', 'C.x')]
   A       C.y       C.x
2  0 Applebees     Fnord
3  0     Fnord Applebees
6  1   Pumpkin     Fnord
7  1     Fnord   Pumpkin
10 2     Fnord Applebees
11 2 Applebees     Fnord
14 3    Fnord2   Pumpkin
15 3   Pumpkin    Fnord2

db <- rbind(db, structure(list(A = 2:3, B = c(0L, 3L), C = structure(2:3, .Label = c("Applebees", 
"Fnord", "Fnord2", "Pumpkin"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("A", 
"B", "C"), row.names = c("7", "8"), class = "data.frame") )

# Then just merge with itself and remove the cases where the C values are '=='
mdb <- merge(db,db, by="A")
mdb[mdb$C.x != mdb$C.y, c('A', 'C.y', 'C.x')]
   A       C.y       C.x
2  0 Applebees     Fnord
3  0     Fnord Applebees
6  1   Pumpkin     Fnord
7  1     Fnord   Pumpkin
10 2     Fnord Applebees
11 2 Applebees     Fnord
14 3    Fnord2   Pumpkin
15 3   Pumpkin    Fnord2