Ruby 从较大的句子中找出重叠最少的两个短语

Ruby 从较大的句子中找出重叠最少的两个短语,ruby,string,nlp,Ruby,String,Nlp,我有: 我想从数组中找出两个在6-10个单词范围内且在单词方面重叠最少的短语 比如: phrase = "will have to buy online pass from EA to play online but its in perfect condition" phrases = ["its", "perfect condition", "but its", "in perfect condition", "from EA", "buy online pass from EA", "




phrase = "will have to buy online pass from EA to play online but its in perfect condition" 

phrases = ["its",
"perfect condition",
"but its",
"in perfect condition",
"from EA",
"buy online pass from EA",
"to play online but its in perfect condition",
"online pass",
"play online but its in perfect condition",
"online but its",
"will have to buy online pass from EA to play online but its in perfect condition",
"have to buy online pass from EA to play online but its in perfect condition",
"to buy online pass from EA"]

result = ["to buy online pass from EA", "play online but its in perfect condition"]

result =
phrases.each do |p|
  result.push(p) if(phrase.include?(p) && (6..10).include?(p.split.size))
#remove entries that are substr of others   
result.each do |r|
  result.delete(r) if (t = result.clone ; t.delete(r) ; t.any? {|v| v.include?(r)})
print result.inspect 
#["to play online but its in perfect condition", "to buy online pass from EA"]
split_phrases = {|phrase| phrase.split }

# find number of words of overlap between two word vectors
def overlap(p1,p2)
  s1 = p1.size
  s2 = p2.size

  # make p1 the longer phrase
  if s2 > s1
    s1,s2 = s2,s1
    p1,p2 = p2,p1

  # check if p2 is entirely contained in p1
  return s2 if p1.each_cons(s2).any? {|p| p == p2}

  longest_prefix = (s2-1).downto(0).find { |len| p1.first(len) == p2.last(len) }
  longest_suffix = (s2-1).downto(0).find { |len| p2.first(len) == p1.last(len) }

  [longest_prefix, longest_suffix].max

def best_two_phrases_with_minimal_overlap(wphrases, minlen=6, maxlen=10)
  # reject too small or large phrases, evaluate every combination, order by word overlap
  scored_pairs = wphrases.
    select {|p| (minlen..maxlen).include? p.size}.
    map { |pair| [ overlap(*pair), pair ] }.
    sort_by { |tuple| tuple.first }

  # consider all pairs with least word overlap
  least_overlap = scored_pairs.first.first
  least_overlap_pairs = scored_pairs.
    take_while {|tuple| tuple.first == least_overlap }.
    map {|tuple| tuple.last }

  # return longest pair with minimal overlap
  least_overlap_pairs.sort_by {|pair| pair.first.size + pair.last.size }.last

puts best_two_phrases_with_minimal_overlap(split_phrases).map{|p| p.join ' '}

# to play online but its in perfect condition
# to buy online pass from EA