Ruby 如何使用Eclipse在客户端PC上运行/调试仪表板

Ruby 如何使用Eclipse在客户端PC上运行/调试仪表板,ruby,eclipse,git,rufus-scheduler,dashing,Ruby,Eclipse,Git,Rufus Scheduler,Dashing,我正在尝试通过创建工作面板。我已经设置了一个openSUSE服务器(仅限命令行,没有X服务器),并成功地在其上运行。我希望能够使用我的Windows 7 PC来配置基于ruby的作业脚本,等等。我用ruby安装了Eclipse,在Windows上安装了ruby,并在Eclipse中配置了调试器。服务器上还为dash文件夹设置了Git。关于我的方法,我有两个问题: 问题1: 现在,我可以在ruby作业中配置断点并调试变量等,但调试器在到达调度程序部分(请参阅下面粘贴的代码)时抛出一个错误,指出它是

我正在尝试通过创建工作面板。我已经设置了一个openSUSE服务器(仅限命令行,没有X服务器),并成功地在其上运行。我希望能够使用我的Windows 7 PC来配置基于ruby的作业脚本,等等。我用ruby安装了Eclipse,在Windows上安装了ruby,并在Eclipse中配置了调试器。服务器上还为dash文件夹设置了Git。关于我的方法,我有两个问题:

问题1: 现在,我可以在ruby作业中配置断点并调试变量等,但调试器在到达调度程序部分(请参阅下面粘贴的代码)时抛出一个错误,指出它是一个“未初始化常量”。我猜Eclipse不理解如何运行/调试特定的破折号代码;显然,dashing使用rufus调度程序。如何让Eclipse运行和/或调试我的仪表板

来自dashing网站的rufus scheduler在dashing中的ruby作业示例:

# :first_in sets how long it takes before the job is first run. In this case, it is run immediately
SCHEDULER.every '1m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
send_event('karma', { current: rand(1000) })
问题2: 目前,我将代码从Windows PC移动到openSUSE的方式是通过git。这意味着,当我想要测试任何更改(简单或复杂)时,我必须在客户机上提交到git,然后推送到服务器上的git分支。这意味着我的提交历史将充满测试更改。有更好的方法吗?(我猜解决这个问题的唯一方法是在我的客户端PC上创建一个测试web服务器)


请尝试“刷新作业名称验证令牌”。 AUTH_令牌存储在config.ru中


me@host:~/Projects/my-dashing$ dashing --help
  dashing generate (widget/dashboard/job) NAME  # Creates a new widget, dashboard, or job.
  dashing help [TASK]                           # Describe available tasks or one specific task
  dashing install GIST_ID                       # Installs a new widget from a gist.
  dashing job JOB_NAME AUTH_TOKEN(optional)     # Runs the specified job. Make sure to supply your auth token if you have one set.
  dashing new PROJECT_NAME                      # Sets up ALL THE THINGS needed for your dashboard project.
  dashing start                                 # Starts the server in style!

尝试“刷新作业名称验证令牌”。 AUTH_令牌存储在config.ru中


me@host:~/Projects/my-dashing$ dashing --help
  dashing generate (widget/dashboard/job) NAME  # Creates a new widget, dashboard, or job.
  dashing help [TASK]                           # Describe available tasks or one specific task
  dashing install GIST_ID                       # Installs a new widget from a gist.
  dashing job JOB_NAME AUTH_TOKEN(optional)     # Runs the specified job. Make sure to supply your auth token if you have one set.
  dashing new PROJECT_NAME                      # Sets up ALL THE THINGS needed for your dashboard project.
  dashing start                                 # Starts the server in style!

尝试“刷新作业名称验证令牌”。 AUTH_令牌存储在config.ru中


me@host:~/Projects/my-dashing$ dashing --help
  dashing generate (widget/dashboard/job) NAME  # Creates a new widget, dashboard, or job.
  dashing help [TASK]                           # Describe available tasks or one specific task
  dashing install GIST_ID                       # Installs a new widget from a gist.
  dashing job JOB_NAME AUTH_TOKEN(optional)     # Runs the specified job. Make sure to supply your auth token if you have one set.
  dashing new PROJECT_NAME                      # Sets up ALL THE THINGS needed for your dashboard project.
  dashing start                                 # Starts the server in style!

尝试“刷新作业名称验证令牌”。 AUTH_令牌存储在config.ru中


me@host:~/Projects/my-dashing$ dashing --help
  dashing generate (widget/dashboard/job) NAME  # Creates a new widget, dashboard, or job.
  dashing help [TASK]                           # Describe available tasks or one specific task
  dashing install GIST_ID                       # Installs a new widget from a gist.
  dashing job JOB_NAME AUTH_TOKEN(optional)     # Runs the specified job. Make sure to supply your auth token if you have one set.
  dashing new PROJECT_NAME                      # Sets up ALL THE THINGS needed for your dashboard project.
  dashing start                                 # Starts the server in style!


确保调试器运行的是设置/初始化调度程序的代码段。我不确定这是什么意思,调试器通过断点或非断点命中调度程序的那一秒,它以我在问题中提到的错误终止。请确保调试器运行设置/初始化调度程序的代码段。我不确定这是什么意思,调试器通过断点或不通过断点命中调度程序的那一秒,它以我在问题中提到的错误终止。请确保调试器运行设置/初始化调度程序的代码段。我不确定这是什么意思,调试器通过断点或不通过断点命中调度程序的那一秒,它以我在问题中提到的错误终止。请确保调试器运行设置/初始化调度程序的代码段。我不确定这是什么意思,调试器通过断点或不通过断点命中调度程序的那一秒,它以我在问题中提到的错误结束root@b2657d4bed38:/dashing#dashing job parsefile/dashing/jobs/parsefile.rb:32:in:uninitialized constant SCHEDULER(name错误)任何额外的环境设置?获取类似
root@b2657d4bed38:/dashing#dashing job parsefile/dashing/jobs/parsefile.rb:32:in:uninitialized constant SCHEDULER(namererror)
root@b2657d4bed38:/dash#dash作业解析文件/dash/jobs/parsefile.rb:32:in:uninitialized constant SCHEDULER(NameError)
root@b2657d4bed38:/dashing#dashing job parsefile/dashing/jobs/parsefile.rb:32:in:uninitialized constant SCHEDULER(namererror)