
使用Applescript自动化Safari:基于URL智能切换到已打开的选项卡,safari,applescript,Safari,Applescript,我正在尝试使用听写功能,通过语音命令自动化我的Mac电脑。我有以下简单的脚本,即使Safari关闭,它也会用url打开一个新的Safari选项卡: tell application "Safari" activate end tell set theUrl to "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox" tell application "Safari" if not (exists current tab of front win


tell application "Safari"
end tell

set theUrl to "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox"
tell application "Safari"
      if not (exists current tab of front window) then make new document -- if no window
      tell front window
        set current tab to (make new tab at end of tabs with properties {URL:theUrl})
      end tell
end tell



if application "Safari" is running then
    tell application "Safari"
    end tell
    tell application "Safari"
        delay 5
    end tell
end if

set searchpat to "mail.google"
set theUrl to "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox"

tell application "Safari"
    set winlist to every window
    set winmatchlist to {}
    set tabmatchlist to {}
    set tabnamematchlist to {}
    repeat with win in winlist
        set ok to true
            set tablist to every tab of win
        on error errmsg
            --display dialog name of win as string
            set ok to false
        end try
        if ok then
            repeat with t in tablist
                if searchpat is in (name of t as string) then
                    set end of winmatchlist to win
                    set end of tabmatchlist to t
                    set end of tabnamematchlist to (id of win as string) & "." & (index of t as string) & ".  " & (name of t as string)
                    --display dialog name of t as string
                else if searchpat is in (URL of t as string) then
                    set end of winmatchlist to win
                    set end of tabmatchlist to t
                    set end of tabnamematchlist to (id of win as string) & "." & (index of t as string) & ".  " & (name of t as string)
                    --display dialog name of t as string
                end if
            end repeat
        end if
    end repeat
    if (count of tabmatchlist) = 1 then
        --display dialog "one!"
        set w to item 1 of winmatchlist
        set t to item 1 of tabmatchlist
        set current tab of w to t
        set index of w to 1
    else if (count of tabmatchlist) = 0 then
        if not (exists current tab of front window) then make new document -- if no window
        tell front window    
                  set current tab to (make new tab at end of tabs with properties {URL:theUrl})
      end tell

        set whichtab to choose from list of tabnamematchlist with prompt "The following tabs match, please select one:"
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
        if whichtab is not equal to false then
            set tmp to text items of (whichtab as string)
            set w to (item 1 of tmp) as integer
            set t to (item 2 of tmp) as integer
            set current tab of window id w to tab t of window id w
            set index of window id w to 1
        end if
    end if
end tell