Scripting 正在更新文件夹路径-自动热键

Scripting 正在更新文件夹路径-自动热键,scripting,autohotkey,Scripting,Autohotkey,我试图找出如何更新路径,但我不确定如何更新,并且不断出现一些错误 我需要更新EV输出上显示的样本输出。任何帮助都会很好 正如您在图像输出示例中看到的,正在更新选定的输入文件夹。我需要它是在电动汽车输出的信息 这是我的菜单代码 ;; MENU ; Left Side Menu Gui, Add, Button, x7 y7 w110 h30 gInput, Select Input Folder Gui, Add, Checkbox, x7 y47 w730 h20 checked vCheck





;; MENU 
; Left Side Menu
Gui, Add, Button, x7 y7 w110 h30 gInput, Select Input Folder
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x7 y47 w730 h20 checked vCheck1,Include the last folder of the input folder in  the output?
Gui, Add, Text, x22 y82 w600 h20 , Output Sample:
Gui, Add, Text, x132 y82 w610 h20 vDisplayPath, %DisplayPath%  ;--Line needs to match EV Output
Gui, Add, Button, x12 y122 w110 h30 gOutputEV, Select EV Output
Gui, Add, Button, x12 y162 w110 h30 gOutputWC, Select WC Output
Gui, Add, Text, x127 y17 w275 h20 vDisplayInput, ;display selected folder - input
Gui, Add, Text, x132 y132 w250 h20 vDisplayEV, ;display selected folder -ev  <--- Selected to update Display Path
Gui, Add, Text, x132 y172 w250 h20 vDisplayWC, ;display selected folder - wc
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y215 w190 h20 , Last Name, First Name: ; Name Field
Gui, Add, Edit, x171 y215 w170 h30 vName, DoeJohn     ; Editable Name Type
Gui, Add, Text, x12 y250 w190 h30 , Collection Date (YYYYMMDD):
Gui, Add, Edit, x171 y250 w100 h30 r1 vtime,%TimeString%
Gui, Add, Button, x12 y280 w110 h30 gSubmit, Submit
; Right Side Menu
Gui, Add, Text, x757 y7 w130 h20 , Helpful Buttons:
Gui, Add, Button, x757 y77 w160 h30 gOpenTC, List Mounted TrueCrypt Devices
Gui, Add, Button, x757 y37 w160 h30 gMountTC, Auto-Mount TC Devices
Gui, Add, Button, x757 y217 w160 h30 gDismountTC, Dismount ALL TC Devices
; Version Info
Gui, Show, w936 h350, Mobile Robocopy Script v2.5,NoHide
GUI, Add, Picture, x550 y270 w350 h60, %MyPic%



您已经构建了没有标识符的GUI,但是您正在尝试与GUI 1上不存在的控件对话。删除GUI标识符

GuiControl,, DisplayEV, %OutputEV%

Gui, Add, Text, x22 y82 w600 h20 vlblOutputSample, Output Sample:
Gui, Add, Text, x132 y82 w610 h20 vDisplayPath, %DisplayPath%

GuiControl,, DisplayEV, %OutputEV%
GuiControl,, lblOutputSample, %OutputEV%

GuiControl,, DisplayEV, %OutputEV%
GuiControl,, lblOutputSample, %OutputEV%