Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/8/sorting/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181

Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/8/lua/3.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Sorting 汇编x86 TASM排序_Sorting_Assembly_X86_Bubble Sort_Tasm - Fatal编程技术网

Sorting 汇编x86 TASM排序

Sorting 汇编x86 TASM排序,sorting,assembly,x86,bubble-sort,tasm,Sorting,Assembly,X86,Bubble Sort,Tasm,我是汇编语言(TASM 86x)的乞丐,正在完成我的第一个程序作业。 这在本质上并不复杂,但是由于对这种语言还不熟悉,我很难想出一个简单的冒泡排序 目前为止,我只做了C++编程,最难的部分是掌握语法。 任务是获取任何字符串(由用户键入)并按ASCII值升序重新排列(如中所示,如果键入beda,则应给出abde) 我不确定我的输出,但那应该在排序完成后进行 我很困惑,因为只允许我输入字符串,然后退出命令提示符。无法跟踪我在哪里犯了错误,它过早地指向了代码的结尾。 如果有更有经验的人能看看我的代码,

我是汇编语言(TASM 86x)的乞丐,正在完成我的第一个程序作业。 这在本质上并不复杂,但是由于对这种语言还不熟悉,我很难想出一个简单的冒泡排序

目前为止,我只做了C++编程,最难的部分是掌握语法。 任务是获取任何字符串(由用户键入)并按ASCII值升序重新排列(如中所示,如果键入beda,则应给出abde)

我不确定我的输出,但那应该在排序完成后进行 我很困惑,因为只允许我输入字符串,然后退出命令提示符。无法跟踪我在哪里犯了错误,它过早地指向了代码的结尾。


.model small
.stack 100h

request     db 'Enter symbols:', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'  

    buffer      db 100, ?, 100 dup (0)


    MOV ax, @data                   
    MOV ds, ax                      

; request
    MOV ah, 09h
    MOV dx, offset request
    int 21h

; read string                    ;reading string to buffer
    MOV dx, offset buffer           
    MOV ah, 0Ah                     
    INT 21h                         
    MOV si, offset buffer           

    INC si                        ;going from buffer size to actual length 
                                  ;of the string
    MOV cl, [si]              ;string length - loop counter
    mov ch, [si]                  ;string length - loop counter
    mov bl, [si]                  ;bl will be used to reset inner loop counter 
    DEC cl                        ;correcting the values, since count goes
    dec ch                        ; from 0 to n-1 instead of 1 to n

    inc si                        ;moving to strings first byte

outer:                            ;outer loop

    dec ch                        ;decrease counter each pass
    jz ending                     ;when counter reaches 0 end program
    mov cl, bl                    ; reset inner loop counter value

inner:                            ;inner loop
    mov al,byte ptr[si]           ;assigning byte(sybol) to al
    mov ah, byte ptr[si+1]        ;assigning following byte(symbol) to ah
    cmp al,ah                     ;compare the two
    jle after_switch              ;if the latter's value is higher, no need to switch

    mov bh, al           ;main problem-switching values, tried a few different   
    mov al, ah           ;ways of doing it (will show them below), but to no avail
    mov ah, bh           ;using familiar C syntax

    jmp output           ;outputing the value

after_switch:         ;no switch needed

    inc [si]              ;going to the next byte
    dec cl                ;decreasing inner loop counter
    jnz inner             ;back to the beginning of inner loop until counter reaches 0 (resetting in the outer loop)
    jmp outer             ;if counter reaches zero, get back to outer

output:             ;outputting value from the very first bit 
    mov ah, 2
    mov dl, al          ;which after switch is supposed to be stored in al
    int 21h
    jmp inner           ;returning to inner loop to run next course of comparison

    MOV ax, 4c00h               
    INT 21h                              
end start

    mov al,[si+1]
    mov byte ptr[si+1],[si]
    mov byte ptr[si], al


    mov al, byte ptr[si+1]
    mov dx:[di], [si]
    mov byte ptr[si+1], dx:[di]
    mov byte ptr[si], al



mov al, byte ptr[si+1]
mov dx:[di], [si]             <<-- there is no dx:[di] register.
mov byte ptr[si+1], dx:[di]   <<-- memory to memory move not allowed.
mov byte ptr[si], al          <<-- `byte ptr` is superflous, because `al` is already byte sized.

mov [di],1000    <-- direct assignment using a constant

inc si                ;next char in the string
dec cl                ;decreasing inner loop counter
jnz inner             ;back to the beginning of inner loop until counter reaches 0 (resetting in the outer loop)
jmp outer             ;if counter reaches zero, get back to outer

mov bh, al           ;main problem-switching values, tried a few different   
mov al, ah           ;ways of doing it (will show them below), but to no avail
mov ah, bh           ;using familiar C syntax
MOV si, offset buffer           
INC si                        ;going from buffer size to actual length 
                              ;of the string
MOV cl, [si]              ;string length - loop counter
mov ch, [si]                  ;string length - loop counter
mov bl, [si]                  ;bl will be used to reset inner loop counter

xchg ah, al           ;flip chars around

xchg ah, al           ;flip chars around
mov [si],al           ;save flipped values
mov [si+1],ah         

inner:                            ;inner loop
  mov al,byte ptr[si]           ;<<-- both are correct, but [si+1] will read
  mov ah, byte ptr[si+1]        ;<<-- past the end of the string at the last byte  

sub bl,2                   ;if bl is used to reset inner loop counter it must be
                           ;adjusted as well.
;sub cl,2                  ;inner loop from 0 to n-2
mov cl,bl                  ;bl=cl, so a mov makes more sense
dec ch                     ;outer loop from 0 to n-1 instead of 1 to n
如果没有必要,永远不要从记忆中阅读。 更改此代码:

mov bh, al           ;main problem-switching values, tried a few different   
mov al, ah           ;ways of doing it (will show them below), but to no avail
mov ah, bh           ;using familiar C syntax
MOV si, offset buffer           
INC si                        ;going from buffer size to actual length 
                              ;of the string
MOV cl, [si]              ;string length - loop counter
mov ch, [si]                  ;string length - loop counter
mov bl, [si]                  ;bl will be used to reset inner loop counter

MOV si, offset buffer+1       ;start at length byte of the string    
MOV cl, [si]                  ;string length - loop counter
mov ch, cl                    ;string length - loop counter
mov bl, cl                    ;bl will be used to reset inner loop counter




放置指示以防止失速的示例: (注意:并非所有x86 CPU在其管道中使用完全相同数量的执行阶段,但原理图类似。)


mov eax,value1
add eax,value2 ; reading after writing the same register = results a stall
mov ebx,value3
add ebx,value4 ; stall
mov ecx,value5
add ecx,value6 ; stall
mov edx,value7
add edx,value8 ; stall
mov esi,value9
add esi,value10 ; stall
mov edi,value11
add edi,value12 ; stall
mov ebp,value13
add ebp,value14 ; stall

mov eax,value1 ; first instruction
mov ebx,value3 ; second instruction
mov ecx,value5 ; third ...
mov edx,value7 ; ...
mov esi,value9
mov edi,value11
mov ebp,value13
; no stall, because the execution progress of the first instruction is fully complete
add eax,value2
add ebx,value4 ; ... of the second instruction is fully complete
add ecx,value6 ; ... of the third instruction is fully complete
add edx,value8 ; ...
add esi,value10
add edi,value12
add ebp,value14



mov word [di],1000    <-- direct assignment using a constant (immediate value)

inc si
mov eax,value1 ; first instruction
mov ebx,value3 ; second instruction
mov ecx,value5 ; third ...
mov edx,value7 ; ...
mov esi,value9
mov edi,value11
mov ebp,value13
; no stall, because the execution progress of the first instruction is fully complete
add eax,value2
add ebx,value4 ; ... of the second instruction is fully complete
add ecx,value6 ; ... of the third instruction is fully complete
add edx,value8 ; ...
add esi,value10
add edi,value12
add ebp,value14
mov word [di],1000    <-- direct assignment using a constant (immediate value)