Sql server 从SQL Server 2005将数据导出为固定宽度文件

Sql server 从SQL Server 2005将数据导出为固定宽度文件,sql-server,Sql Server,我认为将视图中的数据从SQLServer2005导出到固定宽度的文本文件是一项非常简单的任务。但是巫师是一种痛苦。格式不正确。有人知道怎么处理吗?或者有更好的方法吗?如果向导中的格式不适合您的需要,您需要开发自己的SSIS包。你确定你真的需要一个固定宽度的文件吗?带分隔符的文件可能更容易获得正确的结果,因为它们更常见。使用bcp with queryyout选项 如果需要固定宽度的输出,请使用格式文件 我刚刚尝试在AdventureWorks中导出,固定宽度也给了我很多问题(与列分隔符相比)



使用bcp with queryyout选项


我刚刚尝试在AdventureWorks中导出,固定宽度也给了我很多问题(与列分隔符相比) 我不得不忽略GUID列,在第一行中不包括列名,等等。。最后导出销售。客户表






usage: Sqlcmd            [-U login id]          [-P password]
  [-S server]            [-H hostname]          [-E trusted connection]
  [-d use database name] [-l login timeout]     [-t query timeout]
  [-h headers]           [-s colseparator]      [-w screen width]
  [-a packetsize]        [-e echo input]        [-I Enable Quoted Identifiers]
  [-c cmdend]            [-L[c] list servers[clean output]]
  [-q "cmdline query"]   [-Q "cmdline query" and exit]
  [-m errorlevel]        [-V severitylevel]     [-W remove trailing spaces]
  [-u unicode output]    [-r[0|1] msgs to stderr]
  [-i inputfile]         [-o outputfile]        [-z new password]
  [-f <codepage> | i:<codepage>[,o:<codepage>]] [-Z new password and exit]
  [-k[1|2] remove[replace] control characters]
  [-y variable length type display width]
  [-Y fixed length type display width]
  [-p[1] print statistics[colon format]]
  [-R use client regional setting]
  [-b On error batch abort]
  [-v var = "value"...]  [-A dedicated admin connection]
  [-X[1] disable commands, startup script, enviroment variables [and exit]]
  [-x disable variable substitution]
  [-? show syntax summary]
[-a packetsize][e echo input][I启用带引号的标识符]
[-c cmdend][L[c]列出服务器[清除输出]]
[-m errorlevel][V severitylevel][-W删除尾随空格]
[-u unicode输出][-r[0 | 1]msgs到标准码]
[-k[1 | 2]删除[替换]控制字符]
[-v var=“value”…][-专用管理员连接]
usage: Sqlcmd            [-U login id]          [-P password]
  [-S server]            [-H hostname]          [-E trusted connection]
  [-d use database name] [-l login timeout]     [-t query timeout]
  [-h headers]           [-s colseparator]      [-w screen width]
  [-a packetsize]        [-e echo input]        [-I Enable Quoted Identifiers]
  [-c cmdend]            [-L[c] list servers[clean output]]
  [-q "cmdline query"]   [-Q "cmdline query" and exit]
  [-m errorlevel]        [-V severitylevel]     [-W remove trailing spaces]
  [-u unicode output]    [-r[0|1] msgs to stderr]
  [-i inputfile]         [-o outputfile]        [-z new password]
  [-f <codepage> | i:<codepage>[,o:<codepage>]] [-Z new password and exit]
  [-k[1|2] remove[replace] control characters]
  [-y variable length type display width]
  [-Y fixed length type display width]
  [-p[1] print statistics[colon format]]
  [-R use client regional setting]
  [-b On error batch abort]
  [-v var = "value"...]  [-A dedicated admin connection]
  [-X[1] disable commands, startup script, enviroment variables [and exit]]
  [-x disable variable substitution]
  [-? show syntax summary]