Sql server SQL选择第二列最大值的唯一列

Sql server SQL选择第二列最大值的唯一列,sql-server,tsql,greatest-n-per-group,Sql Server,Tsql,Greatest N Per Group,请说明如何将“最大值”和“不同值”组合起来,以便始终具有唯一Id和该唯一Id的列的最大值 比如说我有, OrdinaceId Priloha2Id 5 1 5 2 6 2 6 4 7 1 结果将是 OrdinaceId Priloha2Id 5 2 6 4 7 1 如何仅返回具有相同Id且最大Priloha2Id



OrdinaceId Priloha2Id
5            1
5            2
6            2
6            4
7            1

OrdinaceId Priloha2Id
5             2
6             4
7             1

select * from (select 
distinct ord.Id as OrdinaceId,
  posk.ICO as Ico,
  zar.ICZ as Icz,
  posk.NazevZkraceny as Zkratka,
  case when cle.Primariat = 0 then cle.Icp end as Icp,
  IIF(cle.Primariat = 1, pri.OborKod , cle.OdbornostKod) as OdbornostKod,
  ord.Nazev as OrdinaceNazev,
  (select Street + N' ' + DescriptiveNo + N', ' + PostCode +  N' ' + City from ICIS_Repl.repl.Address where Code = ord.NavAddressCode and Type = N'ORDINACE' and (ValidFrom is null or ValidFrom <= GETDATE()) and (ValidTill is null or ValidTill >= GETDATE() or ValidTill = N'1753-01-01 00:00:00')) as OrdinaceAdresaCela,
  pril.Id as Priloha2Id,
  cisP2KomunikaceStav.Nazev as EP2,
  cisPzs.Nazev as StavPzp,
  pril.PriPlatnostOd as PlatnostOd,
  pril.PriPlatnostDo as PlatnostDo
from Ordinace ord
  left join CleneniPzs cle on cle.Id = ord.CleneniPzsId
  left join ZarizeniPZS zar on cle.ZarizeniPzsId = zar.Id
  left join PoskytovatelZS posk on zar.PoskytovatelZsId = posk.Id
  left join Primariat pri on cle.PrimariatId = pri.Id
  left join Pril2Formular pr on pr.CleneniPzsId = cle.Id
  left join Priloha2 pril on pril.Id = pr.Priloha2Id and (pril.PriPlatnostOd <= GETDATE() or pril.PriPlatnostOd is null) and (pril.PriPlatnostDo is null or pril.PriPlatnostDo >= GETDATE()) 
  join CisCiselnik cisP2KomunikaceStav on posk.P2KomunikaceStavKod = cisP2KomunikaceStav.Kod AND cisP2KomunikaceStav.Oblast = N'P2KomunikaceStav' and cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostDo is null or cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE()) 
  left join P2Formular form on form.Icp = cle.Icp and form.Aktivni = 1
  left join CisCiselnik cisPzs on form.P2StavPzpKod = cisPzs.Kod AND cisPzs.Oblast = N'P2StavPZP' and cisPzs.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (cisPzs.PlatnostDo is null or cisPzs.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())  
  left join P2ZarizeniPZS z on form.P2ZarizeniPzsId = z.Id and z.Icz = zar.ICZ and z.PoskytovatelZsId = posk.Id
  join Smlouva smlv on smlv.Id = pril.SmlouvaId
  left join SmluvniVykon smlVyk on smlVyk.CleneniPzsId = cle.Id and smlVyk.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (smlVyk.PlatnostDo is null or smlVyk.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
  left join SmlVykonVyjadreniRL vyjadreni on vyjadreni.Id = smlVyk.VyjadreniRLId ) a 

从表group by Id中选择Id,maxPriloha2Id,您可以使用它来获取每个Id的maxPriloha2Id。然后加入它


;with Pril2Formular_max_per_id as (
    select ord.Id as OrdinaceId, max(pr.Priloha2Id) as max_Priloha2Id
    from Ordinace ord
      left join CleneniPzs cle on cle.Id = ord.CleneniPzsId
      left join Pril2Formular pr on pr.CleneniPzsId = cle.Id
    group by ord.Id
select * from (select 
distinct ord.Id as OrdinaceId,[![enter image description here][1]][1]
  posk.ICO as Ico,
  zar.ICZ as Icz,
  posk.NazevZkraceny as Zkratka,
  case when cle.Primariat = 0 then cle.Icp end as Icp,
  IIF(cle.Primariat = 1, pri.OborKod , cle.OdbornostKod) as OdbornostKod,
  ord.Nazev as OrdinaceNazev,
  (select Street + N' ' + DescriptiveNo + N', ' + PostCode +  N' ' + City from ICIS_Repl.repl.Address where Code = ord.NavAddressCode and Type = N'ORDINACE' and (ValidFrom is null or ValidFrom <= GETDATE()) and (ValidTill is null or ValidTill >= GETDATE() or ValidTill = N'1753-01-01 00:00:00')) as OrdinaceAdresaCela,
  pril.Id as Priloha2Id,
  cisP2KomunikaceStav.Nazev as EP2,
  cisPzs.Nazev as StavPzp,
  pril.PriPlatnostOd as PlatnostOd,
  pril.PriPlatnostDo as PlatnostDo
from Ordinace ord
  left join CleneniPzs cle on cle.Id = ord.CleneniPzsId
  left join ZarizeniPZS zar on cle.ZarizeniPzsId = zar.Id
  left join PoskytovatelZS posk on zar.PoskytovatelZsId = posk.Id
  left join Primariat pri on cle.PrimariatId = pri.Id
  left join Pril2Formular_max_per_id pr on pr.OrdinaceId = ord.Id
  left join Priloha2 pril on pril.Id = pr.max_Priloha2Id and (pril.PriPlatnostOd <= GETDATE() or pril.PriPlatnostOd is null) and (pril.PriPlatnostDo is null or pril.PriPlatnostDo >= GETDATE()) 
  join CisCiselnik cisP2KomunikaceStav on posk.P2KomunikaceStavKod = cisP2KomunikaceStav.Kod AND cisP2KomunikaceStav.Oblast = N'P2KomunikaceStav' and cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostDo is null or cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE()) 
  left join P2Formular form on form.Icp = cle.Icp and form.Aktivni = 1
  left join CisCiselnik cisPzs on form.P2StavPzpKod = cisPzs.Kod AND cisPzs.Oblast = N'P2StavPZP' and cisPzs.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (cisPzs.PlatnostDo is null or cisPzs.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())  
  left join P2ZarizeniPZS z on form.P2ZarizeniPzsId = z.Id and z.Icz = zar.ICZ and z.PoskytovatelZsId = posk.Id
  join Smlouva smlv on smlv.Id = pril.SmlouvaId
  left join SmluvniVykon smlVyk on smlVyk.CleneniPzsId = cle.Id and smlVyk.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (smlVyk.PlatnostDo is null or smlVyk.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
  left join SmlVykonVyjadreniRL vyjadreni on vyjadreni.Id = smlVyk.VyjadreniRLId ) a ;

抱歉,我使用的是T-SQLYour示例数据似乎与下面的海量查询没有任何直接联系。你能解释一下这里发生了什么吗?在我的示例中,只有两个重要的列OrdinaceId,Priloha2Id。我需要从选择中选择所有列我已根据我的需要修改了您的答案选择顺序Id、CleneniPzsId、Id、Ico、Icz、Zkratka、Icp、OdbornostKod、OrdinanceNazev、OrdinanceAdresacela、MaxPriloha2Id、Smluvni、EP2、StavPzp、状态、信息、PlatnostOd、PlatnostDo from select。。。。。。。。group by OrdinaceId和GET以下错误列“a.CLENEIPzSID”在选择列表中无效,因为它不包含在聚合函数或group by子句中。我可以运行查询。但我看不到rows@Bobek,我已经修复了我的查询,一开始加入了错误的表,很高兴这很有帮助