Sql 如何在postgres中获得下一个业务日期?

Sql 如何在postgres中获得下一个业务日期?,sql,postgresql,date,Sql,Postgresql,Date,工作日为周一至周五 如果我有一个日期时间字段计划_,如何找到下一个业务日期并在列别名中返回 我试过另一个答案,但效果不理想 EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM v.scheduled_for)::integer) % 7 as next_business_day, 错误: Query 1 ERROR: ERROR: syntax error at or near ")" LINE 3: EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM v.scheduled_for)::integer % 7)




EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM v.scheduled_for)::integer) % 7 as next_business_day,

Query 1 ERROR: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 3:  EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM v.scheduled_for)::integer % 7)  as next...



    v.id AS visit_id,
    (IF extract(''dow'' from v.scheduled_for) = 0 THEN
        return v.scheduled_for + 1::integer;
    ELSIF extract(''dow'' from v.scheduled_for) = 6 THEN
        return v.scheduled_for - 1::integer;
        return v.scheduled_for;
    ) as next_business_day, 
    '' as invoice_ref_code,

Query 1 ERROR: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 1: ) as next_business_day, 


create or replace function utl_next_business_day(date_in date default current_date)
returns date
language sql immutable leakproof strict
as $$
    with cd as (select  extract(isodow from date_in)::integer d)  
    select case when d between 1 and 4 
                then date_in + 1
                else date_in + 1 + (7-d) 
       from cd;       

--- any single date 
select current_date, utl_next_business_day();

-- over time span (short)
select gdate::date for_date, utl_next_business_day(gdate::date) next_business_day
  from generate_series( current_date, current_date + 14, interval '1 day') gdate;

-- around year end over a time span
with test_date (dt) as
     ( values (date '2019-12-31')
            , (date '2020-12-31'), (date '2021-12-31'),(date '2022-12-31') 
            , (date '2021-01-01'), (date '2022-01-01'),(date '2023-01-01')
select dt, utl_next_business_day(dt) from test_date
order by dt;

-- create and populate work table
create table bus_day_calendar ( bus_day date);
insert into bus_day_calendar (bus_day) 
  select utl_next_business_day(gdate::date)
    from generate_series( date '2018-12-31', date '2023-01-01', interval '1 day') gdate
   where extract(isodow from gdate)::integer not in (6,7) ;

--- Function to return next business day   
create or replace function utl_next_cal_business_day(date_in date default current_date)
returns date
language sql stable leakproof strict
as $$
    select min(bus_day)
      from bus_day_calendar 
     where bus_day > date_in;      

--- any single date 
select current_date, utl_next_cal_business_day();

-- over time span (short)
select gdate::date for_date, utl_next_cal_business_day(gdate::date) next_business_day
  from generate_series( current_date, current_date + 14, interval '1 day') gdate;

-- around year end over a time span
with test_date (dt) as
     ( values (date '2019-12-31')
            , (date '2020-12-31'), (date '2021-12-31'),(date '2022-12-31') 
            , (date '2021-01-01'), (date '2022-01-01'),(date '2023-01-01')
select dt, utl_next_cal_business_day(dt) from test_date
order by dt; 

