SQL Group By和基于怪异客户端表的Join

SQL Group By和基于怪异客户端表的Join,sql,join,sum,Sql,Join,Sum,我有3个表,我想连接在一起,并将其分组以获取客户成员信息。我的代码用于将基表分组在一起,但它在连接部分中断,我不知道为什么 BASE TABLE : sales_detail +-------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+ | order_date | transaction_id| product_cost | payment_type | country +------


BASE TABLE : sales_detail 
|   order_date | transaction_id|   product_cost |  payment_type  |    country
|   10/1     |   12345         |      20       |      mastercard |    usa
|   10/1     |   12345         |      50       |      mastercard |    usa
|   10/5     |  82456          |      50       |      mastercard |    usa
|   10/9     |  64789          |      30       |      visa       |    canada
|   10/15    |  08546          |      20       |      mastercard |    usa
|   10/15    |  08546          |      90       |      mastercard |    usa
|   10/17    |  65898          |       50      |      mastercard |   usa

|   order_date | transaction_ID |   product_cost |  client_Type|   
|   10/1     |   12345         |      70       |      new        |  
|   10/5     |   82456         |      70       |      old        |
|   10/15    |   08546         |      110      |      old        |
|   10/17    |   65898         |      50       |      new        |


select t1.transaction_id, sum(t1.product_cost), t1.order_date, t3.client_type
from sales_detail t1
left join (select DISTINCT  transaction_ID, other_id, fruits from connector) t2
ON t1.transaction_ID=t2.transaction_ID
left join (select DISTINCT order_id, client_type, fruits from client information) t3 
ON t2.other_id=t3.other_id and t2.item=t3.item
where t1.payment_type='mastercard' and t1.order_Date between '2020-10-01' and'2020-10-31'
and country != 'canada'
GROUP BY t1.transaction_id, t1.order_date, t3.client_type;


select sd.*, ci.client_type
from (
    select order_date, transaction_id, sum(product_cost) product_cost
    from sales_detail
        payment_type   =  'mastercard' 
        and order_date >= '2020-10-01' 
        and order_date <  '2020-11-01'
        and country    <>  'canada'
    group by order_date, transaction_id
) sd
inner join connector c on c.transaction_id = sd.transaction_id
inner join client_information ci on ci.other_id = c.other_id






select sd.*, ci.client_type
from (
    select order_date, transaction_id, sum(product_cost) product_cost
    from sales_detail
    group by order_date, transaction_id
) sd
inner join connector c on c.transaction_id = sd.transaction_id
inner join client_information ci on ci.other_id = c.other_id and ci.item = c.item


我删除了不一致的数据库标记。请仅使用您真正使用的数据库进行标记。谢谢您的帮助!问题是,这在sql fiddle上非常有效,但对于实际数据,运行时非常慢。有没有什么好方法可以加快查询速度?@eazyz:这看起来是另一个问题,您需要提供更多信息表结构、现有索引、执行计划等。。。。我只能推荐,并为此。谢谢你的作品!问题是,这在sql fiddle上非常有效,但对于实际数据,运行时非常慢。有没有一个好的方法可以加快查询速度?因为我不知道你的模式是什么样子,有多少数据和其他细节,所以我不能提供任何关于如何做的猜测。请在适当的地方标出答案,然后再问另一个问题。
select sd.*, ci.client_type
from (
    select order_date, transaction_id, sum(product_cost) product_cost
    from sales_detail
        payment_type   =  'mastercard' 
        and order_date >= '2020-10-01' 
        and order_date <  '2020-11-01'
        and country    <>  'canada'
    group by order_date, transaction_id
) sd
inner join connector c on c.transaction_id = sd.transaction_id
inner join client_information ci on ci.other_id = c.other_id
select sd.*, ci.client_type
from (
    select order_date, transaction_id, sum(product_cost) product_cost
    from sales_detail
    group by order_date, transaction_id
) sd
inner join connector c on c.transaction_id = sd.transaction_id
inner join client_information ci on ci.other_id = c.other_id and ci.item = c.item