Sql *在EXISTS查询中,通常略快于SELECT 1/SELECT NULL/etc。但是是的,使用EXISTS通常比join快,但并不总是,它是在每个场景中尝试的一种武器…“我从不使用join或unions”当然,您确实使用join。来自订户s、bio b

Sql *在EXISTS查询中,通常略快于SELECT 1/SELECT NULL/etc。但是是的,使用EXISTS通常比join快,但并不总是,它是在每个场景中尝试的一种武器…“我从不使用join或unions”当然,您确实使用join。来自订户s、bio b,sql,optimization,join,Sql,Optimization,Join,*在EXISTS查询中,通常略快于SELECT 1/SELECT NULL/etc。但是是的,使用EXISTS通常比join快,但并不总是,它是在每个场景中尝试的一种武器…“我从不使用join或unions”当然,您确实使用join。来自订户s、bio b、shirtsizes sh,其中s.season_id=185181和shirtsize.bio_id=bio.bio_id和b.user_id=s.user_id是一组连接。它使用的是过时的连接样式,但它仍然是一个连接。我想写“我避免使用连

*在EXISTS查询中,通常略快于SELECT 1/SELECT NULL/etc。但是是的,使用EXISTS通常比join快,但并不总是,它是在每个场景中尝试的一种武器…“我从不使用join或unions”当然,您确实使用join。来自订户s、bio b、shirtsizes sh,其中s.season_id=185181和shirtsize.bio_id=bio.bio_id和b.user_id=s.user_id是一组连接。它使用的是过时的连接样式,但它仍然是一个连接。我想写“我避免使用连接语法,我从不使用联合”会更正确。没有理由在子查询中使用DISTINCT。我想这就是我相信贡献的模块具有正确索引的原因。谢谢
| season_id |  user_id |
| bio_id | user_id |
| bio_id | shirtsize |
   FROM subscribers s 
   LEFT JOIN bio b ON b.user_id = subscribers.user_id 
   LEFT JOIN shirtsizes ON shirtsize.bio_id = bio.bio_id 
WHERE s.season_id = 185181 AND (bio.bio_id IS NULL OR shirtsize.size IS NULL);
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref         | rows   | Extra       |   
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ogu   | ref   | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | const       |    133 | Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | b     | index | NULL          | PRIMARY | 8       | NULL        | 187644 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | tn    | ref   | nid           | nid     | 4       | waka2.b.nid |      1 | Using where | 
mysql> DESCRIBE subscribers
| Field     | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| subscribers  | int(11) | NO   | PRI |         |       | 
| uid       | int(11) | NO   | PRI |         |       | 

mysql> DESCRIBE bio;
| Field | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| bio_id   | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0       |       | 
| uid   | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0       |       | 

mysql> DESCRIBE shirtsize;
| Field | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| bio_id   | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0       |       | 
| shirtsize   | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0       |       | 
SELECT ogu.nid, ogu.is_active, ogu.uid, b.nid AS bio_node, tn.nid AS size
                  FROM og_uid ogu
                  LEFT JOIN bio b ON b.uid = ogu.uid
                  LEFT JOIN term_node tn ON tn.nid = b.nid
                  WHERE ogu.nid = 185033 AND ogu.is_admin = 0
                  AND (b.nid IS NULL OR tn.tid IS NULL)
SELECT s.user_id FROM subscribers s LEFT JOIN bio b ON b.user_id = s.user_id LEFT JOIN shirtsizes ON shirtsize.bio_id = bio.bio_id WHERE s.season_id = 185181 AND (bio.bio_id IS NULL OR shirtsize.size IS NULL); (SELECT s.user_id FROM subscribers s WHERE s.season_id = 185181) UNION (SELECT b.user_id, b.bio_id FROM bio b WHERE bio.bio_id IS NULL) UNION (SELECT shirtsizes.bio_id FROM shirtsizes WHERE shirtsizes.size is NULL) SELECT * FROM subscribers s, bio b, shirtsizes sh WHERE s.season_id = 185181 AND shirtsize.bio_id = bio.bio_id AND b.user_id = s.user_id AND (bio.bio_id IS NULL OR shirtsize.size IS NULL);
SELECT s.user_id
   FROM subscribers s 
   LEFT JOIN bio b ON b.user_id = subscribers.user_id 
   LEFT JOIN shirtsizes ON shirtsize.bio_id = bio.bio_id 
WHERE s.season_id = 185181 AND (bio.bio_id IS NULL OR shirtsize.size IS NULL);
select *
from subscribers
where s.season_id = 185181
      and not exists (select *
                      from bio join shirtsizes on bio.bio_id = shirtsizes.bio_id
                      where bio.user_id = subscribers.user_id)
   FROM Subscribers
   WHERE season_id = 185181
     AND user_id NOT IN
         (SELECT DISTINCT s.user_id
             FROM subscribers s
             JOIN bios b ON s.user_id = b.user_id
             JOIN shirtsizes z ON b.bio_id = z.bio_id
             WHERE s.season_id = 185181
select * from subscribers where user_id not in (
  select user_id from bio where bio_id not in (
    select bio_id from shirt_sizes
) and season_id=185181
select uid
from bio
     inner join shirtsizes
             on shirtsizes.bio_id = bio.bio_id
select *
from subscribers s
     left outer join (select uid
                      from bio
                      inner join shirtsizes
                              on shirtsizes.bio_id = bio.bio_id) x
                  on x.uid = s.uid
where s.season_id = 185181
  and x.uid is null
FROM    (
        SELECT  ogu.nid, ogu.is_active, ogu.uid,
                SELECT  1
                FROM    bio b, term_node tn
                WHERE   b.uid = ogu.uid
                        AND tn.nid = b.nid
                LIMIT   1
                ) AS ex
        FROM    og_uid ogu
        WHERE   ogu.nid = 185033
                AND ogu.is_admin = 0
        ) ogu1