Sqlite 如何在一个查询中执行多个查询?

Sqlite 如何在一个查询中执行多个查询?,sqlite,Sqlite,我正在构建一个聊天应用程序,使用Firebase发送和接收消息。发送或接收消息后,我将其存储到SQLite,如下所示。现在是最近的聊天屏幕,我需要所有唯一聊天的最后一条消息,在我观察SQLite数据库时,在一次查询中,这些唯一聊天中未读消息的数量 Mid(STRING) | SentBy | SentTo | message | readTime | sentTime| Type ----------------+--------+--------+---------+---------


Mid(STRING)     | SentBy | SentTo | message | readTime | sentTime| Type
A               | AA     | JD     | M1      |   1      |    0    |  S
B               | JD     | AA     | M2      |   2      |    1    |  s
C               | AA     | JD     | M3      |   3      |    2    |  s
D               | AB     | JD     | m5      |   null   |    3    |  s
E               | AA     | JC     | M1      |   5      |    4    |  s
F               | JD     | AB     | M2      |   6      |    5    |  s
G               | AA     | JD     | M3      |   7      |    6    |  s
H               | AA     | JC     | m5      |   8      |    7    |  s
I               | AA     | JD     | M1      |   null   |    8    |  s
J               | JD     | AA     | M2      |  10      |    9    |  s
K               | AA     | JD     | M3      |  11      |    10   |  s
L               | AB     | JC     | m5      |  12      |    11   |  s
M               | AA     | JD     | M1      |  13      |    12   |  s
N               | JC     | AA     | M2      |  14      |    13   |  s
O               | AB     | JD     | M3      |  15      |    14   |  s
P               | JC     | JD     | m5      |  16      |    15   |  s

SELECT *,COUNT() FROM messagesTable GROUP BY min ( sentBy, sentTo ), max( sentBy , sentTo ) ORDER BY sentTime desc

SELECT COUNT() FROM messagesTable WHERE sentBy = message.sentBy, sentTo = message.sentTo, readTime = null



  g.user1, g.user2, g.lasttime, m.message lastmessage, 
  g.totalcounter, g.unreadcounter
from messagestable m inner join (
    min(sentby, sentto) user1, max(sentby, sentto) user2,
    max(senttime) lasttime, count(*) totalcounter,
    sum(case when readtime is null then 1 else 0 end) unreadcounter
  from messagestable
  group by user1, user2
) g 
on g.user1 = min(m.sentby, m.sentto) and g.user2 = max(m.sentby, m.sentto) 
and g.lasttime = m.senttime
order by g.lasttime desc

你在使用sqlite 3.25或更新版本吗?我不是很清楚sure@VnsAditya请注意,当前的第一个查询可能不会按您的要求提供输出中每个会话的最新消息。@VnsAditya此答案有悬赏,是否已撤销?。请注意,OP声明他们也希望输出中每个会话的最新消息。
| user1 | user2 | lasttime | lastmessage | totalcounter | unreadcounter |
| ----- | ----- | -------- | ----------- | ------------ | ------------- |
| JC    | JD    | 15       | m5          | 1            | 0             |
| AB    | JD    | 14       | M3          | 3            | 1             |
| AA    | JC    | 13       | M2          | 3            | 0             |
| AA    | JD    | 12       | M1          | 8            | 1             |
| AB    | JC    | 11       | m5          | 1            | 0             |