String 如何使用sed/awk连接连续的非空行?

String 如何使用sed/awk连接连续的非空行?,string,awk,sed,concatenation,lines,String,Awk,Sed,Concatenation,Lines,如何使用sed或awk将连续的非空行连接到单个行中? 举了一个例子说明我正在努力做什么 输入: aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd 皈依 aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd @肖恩:@试试

如何使用sed或awk将连续的非空行连接到单个行中? 举了一个例子说明我正在努力做什么


aaa ff gg
bbb eee eee
ss gg dd

aaa ff gg
bbb eee eee
ss gg dd

aaa ff gg
bbb eee eee
ss gg dd

aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd

aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd

aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd

awk '{ORS=/^$/?RS RS:FS} {$1=$1} 1;END{print RS}'  Input_file

awk '{ 
ORS=               ##### Setting Output field separator here.
/^$/               ##### Checking the condition if a line starts from null.
?                  ##### ? means if above condition is TRUE then run following action.
RS RS              ##### set ORS as RS RS means set it to 2 new lines, default value of RS will be new line.
:                  ##### : is a conditional operator which will execute the action following it when condition is FALSE.
FS}                ##### Set ORS to FS, which is field separator and it's default value is space.
{$1=$1}            ##### Re-setting the first field again of line to reflect the new value of ORS.
1;                 ##### making the condition as TRUE and not mentioning the action, so by default print will happen of current line.
{print RS}         ##### printing the RS value at last which is new line.
'  Input_file      ##### Mentioning the Input_file here.


$ perl -00 -pe 's/\n(?!$)/ /g' ip.txt
aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd

aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd

aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd
  • -00
    • 有关更多信息和
    • 使用
  • s/\n(?!$)//g


$ awk -v RS= '{$1=$1}1' file
aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd
aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd
aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd

$ awk -v RS= -v ORS='\n\n' '{$1=$1}1' file
aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd

aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd

aaa ff gg bbb eee eee ss gg dd


awk '{ if ($0 == "") { print line "\n"; line = "" } else line = line $0 } END { if (line) print line }' file



sed ':a;N;/\n$/!s/\n/ /;ta;P;d' file

sed ':a;N;/\n$/!s/\n/ /;ta;P;d' file