如何使用git svn配置svn忽略设置?

如何使用git svn配置svn忽略设置?,svn,git-svn,svnignore,svn-propset,Svn,Git Svn,Svnignore,Svn Propset,我知道我可以使用以下命令配置subversion忽略的文件夹和文件: svn propset svn:ignore build . // Ignores the build folder. svn propedit svn:ignore . // Opens an editor. 不过,我使用gitsvn签出subversion服务器上存储的存储库。我找不到这样配置的命令。下表显示了zshcompletion为git svn建议的所有命令: $ git svn blame


svn propset svn:ignore build . // Ignores the build folder.
svn propedit svn:ignore . // Opens an editor.
git svn

$ git svn
blame           -- show what revision and author last modified each line of a file:
branch          -- create a branch in the SVN repository
clone           -- same as init, followed by fetch
commit-diff     -- commit diff of two tree-ishs
create-ignore   -- recursively finds the svn:ignore property and creates .gitignore files
dcommit         -- commit diffs from given head onto SVN repository
fetch           -- fetch revisions from the SVN remote
find-rev        -- output git commit corresponding to the given SVN revision's hash
info            -- show information about a file or directory
init            -- initialize an empty git repository with additional svn data
log             -- output SVN log-messages
propget         -- get a given SVN property for a file
proplist        -- list the SVN properties stored for a file or directory
rebase          -- fetch revs from SVN parent of HEAD and rebase current work on it
set-tree        -- commit given commit or tree to SVN repository
show-externals  -- show the subversion externals
show-ignore     -- output corresponding toplevel .gitignore file of svn:ignore
tag             -- create a tag in the SVN repository

  • 您知道是否有任何方法可以通过
    git svn
    编辑subversion ignore配置吗

否,git svn只支持通过svn:ignore创建.gitignore。要设置svn:忽略您可以

  • 使用
    git-svn-git-svn-info-path/to/directory | awk'/URL:/{print$2}'
    git svn create ignore

  • 使用任何允许的工具。gitignore svn:ignore translation。我只知道两个:(客户端,注意:您需要一个新的克隆来打开忽略支持)和(服务器端,您需要使用SVN访问服务器)。在本例中,svn:ignore设置为将本地提交推送到svn(对于SmartGit)/Git(对于SubGit)存储库