Tcl ttk::标签多行格式

Tcl ttk::标签多行格式,tcl,tk,Tcl,Tk,我想这样显示我的行: Nombre de seq(s) = 10 Nombre de page(s) = 12 Fichier word = c:/temp/word.docx Fichier simulation = c:/temp/word.tmp 但在我的标签中,我的线条显示如下 我怎样才能使我的线条与等号对齐 下面是我的代码: package require Tk lappend info [format "%-20s = %-1s" "Nombr


Nombre de seq(s)     = 10
Nombre de page(s)    = 12
Fichier word         = c:/temp/word.docx
Fichier simulation   = c:/temp/word.tmp



package require Tk

lappend info [format "%-20s = %-1s" "Nombre de seq(s)" 10]
lappend info [format "%-20s = %-1s" "Nombre de page(s)" 1]
lappend info [format "%-20s = %-1s" "Fichier word" {c:/temp/word.docx}]
lappend info [format "%-20s = %-1s" "Fichier simulation" {c:/temp/word.tmp}]

grid [ttk::label .l -text [join $info "\n"]] -row 0 -column 0 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky nw 




set data {
    "Nombre de seq(s)" 10
    "Nombre de page(s)" 12
    "Fichier word" "c:/temp/word.docx"
    "Fichier simulation" "c:/temp/word.tmp"

# Put the different size spaces in a dict
set spaces [dict create [font measure TkDefaultFont " "] " "]
for {set i 0x2000} {$i <= 0x200a} {incr i} {
    set s [format %c $i]
    dict set spaces [font measure TkDefaultFont $s] $s
# A 0-width space could cause an endless loop
dict unset spaces 0
# Sort the dict to be able to use a bisect lsearch
set spaces [lsort -integer -index 0 -stride 2 $spaces]

# Calculate the sizes of the lefthand terms and find the longest
set sizes [lmap n [dict keys $data] {font measure TkDefaultFont $n}]
set max [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$sizes]

set txt [lmap s [dict keys $data] l $sizes {
    set v [dict get $data $s]
    # Keep adding the biggest space that will fit
    # until the string is the same length as the longest one
    while {$l < $max} {
        set w [expr {$max - $l}]
        set key [lsearch -inline -integer -bisect [dict keys $spaces] $w]
        append s [dict get $spaces $key]
        incr l $key
    # Append the value
    append s " = " $v

# Combine the lines and show them on a label
ttk::label .l -text [join $txt \n]
grid .l
Fichier word“c:/temp/word.docx”
设置空格[dict create[font measure TkDefaultFont”“]]

对于{set i 0x2000}{$i最简单的方法是将标签配置为使用固定字体



set data {
    "Nombre de seq(s)" 10
    "Nombre de page(s)" 12
    "Fichier word" "c:/temp/word.docx"
    "Fichier simulation" "c:/temp/word.tmp"

# Put the different size spaces in a dict
set spaces [dict create [font measure TkDefaultFont " "] " "]
for {set i 0x2000} {$i <= 0x200a} {incr i} {
    set s [format %c $i]
    dict set spaces [font measure TkDefaultFont $s] $s
# A 0-width space could cause an endless loop
dict unset spaces 0
# Sort the dict to be able to use a bisect lsearch
set spaces [lsort -integer -index 0 -stride 2 $spaces]

# Calculate the sizes of the lefthand terms and find the longest
set sizes [lmap n [dict keys $data] {font measure TkDefaultFont $n}]
set max [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$sizes]

set txt [lmap s [dict keys $data] l $sizes {
    set v [dict get $data $s]
    # Keep adding the biggest space that will fit
    # until the string is the same length as the longest one
    while {$l < $max} {
        set w [expr {$max - $l}]
        set key [lsearch -inline -integer -bisect [dict keys $spaces] $w]
        append s [dict get $spaces $key]
        incr l $key
    # Append the value
    append s " = " $v

# Combine the lines and show them on a label
ttk::label .l -text [join $txt \n]
grid .l
Fichier word“c:/temp/word.docx”
设置空格[dict create[font measure TkDefaultFont”“]]

对于{set i 0x2000}{$i标签小部件并不是专门为这类事情设计的。您可以使用固定宽度字体,也可以尝试插入选项卡:

pack [ttk::label .l -textvariable foo]

# Doing this directly rather than computing it
set foo "Nombre de seq(s)\t\t= 10
Nombre de page(s)\t= 12
Fichier word\t\t= c:/temp/word.docx
Fichier simulation\t\t= c:/temp/word.tmp"


pack [text .t -font TkDefaultFont]

.t insert 1.0 "Nombre de seq(s)\t= 10
Nombre de page(s)\t= 12
Fichier word\t= c:/temp/word.docx
Fichier simulation\t= c:/temp/word.tmp"

.t configure -tabs [font measure TkDefaultFont "Nombre de page(s) "] -state disabled
# You MUST insert the text before disabling the widget.



pack [ttk::label .l -textvariable foo]

# Doing this directly rather than computing it
set foo "Nombre de seq(s)\t\t= 10
Nombre de page(s)\t= 12
Fichier word\t\t= c:/temp/word.docx
Fichier simulation\t\t= c:/temp/word.tmp"


pack [text .t -font TkDefaultFont]

.t insert 1.0 "Nombre de seq(s)\t= 10
Nombre de page(s)\t= 12
Fichier word\t= c:/temp/word.docx
Fichier simulation\t= c:/temp/word.tmp"

.t configure -tabs [font measure TkDefaultFont "Nombre de page(s) "] -state disabled
# You MUST insert the text before disabling the widget.