Typescript Typedoc不包括';行不通

Typescript Typedoc不包括';行不通,typescript,typedoc,Typescript,Typedoc,我正在尝试使用typedocinclude,下面是我如何做到这一点的 // ./src/store/index.ts /** * [[include:TypeScriptReactReduxTutorial.md]] */ import { combineReducers } from 'redux' import { counterReducer } from './counter/reducer' import { IApplicationState } from './type


// ./src/store/index.ts

 * [[include:TypeScriptReactReduxTutorial.md]]

import { combineReducers } from 'redux'

import { counterReducer } from './counter/reducer'

import { IApplicationState } from './types'

 *  Whenever an action is dispatched, Redux will update each top-level application state property
 * using the reducer with the matching name. It's important that the names match exactly, and that
 * the reducer acts on the corresponding IApplicationState property type.
export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IApplicationState>({
  counter: counterReducer
export const rootReducer=combinereducer({

“创建文档”:“typedoc--out./doc//src--externalPattern'**/node\u modules/**'--ignorecompilerrors--includes'mdDocs/”


我不确定这是否一直有效。 这对我有用

我使用的是TypeDoc 0.14.2


typedoc --out docs ./src --includes ./doc

 * Process contents and returns a the processed contents.
 * <div>&nbsp;</div>
 * <strong>See:</strong> {@link BuildProcess.buildInclude}
 * @param contents The contents of the file currently being read
 * @param srcpath The source path of the file that contents were read from
 * @param destpath The destination file that the contents are to be written into.
 * @returns The contents of the file after they have been processed.
 * [[include:usercase.md]]

 * Process contents and returns a the processed contents.
 * <div>&nbsp;</div>
 * <strong>See:</strong> [[BuildProcess.buildInclude]]
 * @param contents The contents of the file currently being read
 * @param srcpath The source path of the file that contents were read from
 * @param destpath The destination file that the contents are to be written into.
 * @return The contents of the file after they have been processed.
 * [[include:javascript_string/usercase.md]]
*@param contents当前正在读取的文件的内容
*@param srcpath读取内容的文件的源路径
*@param destpath要写入内容的目标文件。
*[[include:javascript\u string/usercase.md]]

 * Process contents and returns a the processed contents.
 * <div>&nbsp;</div>
 * <strong>See:</strong> [[BuildProcess.buildInclude]]
 * @param contents The contents of the file currently being read
 * @param srcpath The source path of the file that contents were read from
 * @param destpath The destination file that the contents are to be written into.
 * @return The contents of the file after they have been processed.
 * [[include:javascript_string/usercase.md]]