Vb.net 当我尝试以教师身份登录时,会出现错误:EndOfStreamException Unhandled

Vb.net 当我尝试以教师身份登录时,会出现错误:EndOfStreamException Unhandled,vb.net,Vb.net,以下是教师登录的代码,一旦运行并尝试使用有效帐户登录到系统,就会出现错误:EndOfStreamException Unhandled 如果您能帮助解决此问题,我们将不胜感激 Private Sub BtnTLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnTLogin.Click If TxtUsername.Text = "" Or TxtPassword.Tex

以下是教师登录的代码,一旦运行并尝试使用有效帐户登录到系统,就会出现错误:EndOfStreamException Unhandled


Private Sub BtnTLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)    Handles BtnTLogin.Click
    If TxtUsername.Text = "" Or TxtPassword.Text = "" Then
        MsgBox("Please enter all the Login details for the account")
    End If'

    Filenamet = "TeacherAccounts.txt"

    FileOpenStatusT = False
    Dim Filefound As Boolean
    Filefound = False
    FileOpen(1, Filenamet, OpenMode.Input)
    While Filefound = False
        Input(1, Username)
        Input(1, Password)
        Input(1, namet)
        Input(1, surnamet)

        If Username = TxtUsername.Text And Password = TxtPassword.Text Then
            Filefound = True
        End If
    End While
    If Filefound = False Then
        MsgBox("Username and Password were not a match,please try again")
    End If

End Sub


If TxtUsername.Text = "" Or TxtPassword.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox("Please enter all the Login details for the account")
End If'

Dim Filefound As Boolean
Filefound = False
FileOpen(1, Filenamet, OpenMode.Input)
While Filefound = False
    Input(1, Username)
    Input(1, Password)
    Input(1, namet)
    Input(1, surnamet)

    If Username = TxtUsername.Text And Password = TxtPassword.Text Then
        Filefound = True
    End If
End While
If Filefound = False Then

Dim Filefound As Boolean
Filefound = False
FileOpen(1, Filenamet, OpenMode.Input)
While Filefound = False
    Input(1, Username)
    Input(1, Password)
    Input(1, namet)
    Input(1, surnamet)

    If Username = TxtUsername.Text And Password = TxtPassword.Text Then
        Filefound = True
    End If
End While
If Filefound = False Then

