
基于VB.Net中的两个文本框中的时间差计算要支付的金额,vb.net,Vb.net,我想得到的金额支付的基础上的时间差的时间和超时。 例子。时间是:7:00:00 暂停时间为:13:00:00 相差6小时 假设每小时的费率是10.00,那么金额应该是60.00 谢谢我正在使用vb.net 我想做的就是这样 Private Const Format As String = "HH:mm:ss" 'this is the code i used to get the time in Private Sub btnTimeIn_Click(sender As Object, e A

我想得到的金额支付的基础上的时间差的时间和超时。 例子。时间是:7:00:00 暂停时间为:13:00:00 相差6小时 假设每小时的费率是10.00,那么金额应该是60.00 谢谢我正在使用vb.net


Private Const Format As String = "HH:mm:ss"

'this is the code i used to get the time in
Private Sub btnTimeIn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTimeIn.Click
     TextboxTimeIn.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(Format)
End Sub

'this is the time out
Private Sub btnTimeOut_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTimeOut.Click
    TextboxTimeOut.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(Format)

    'this is what is use to get the time difference
    txtAmount.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(TextboxTimeOut.Text).Subtract(Convert.ToDateTime(TextboxTimeIn.Text)).ToString()     
End Sub



  • 签入和签出之间经过了多少时间
  • 那是多少小时
  • 这要花多少钱
  • 这些点只能在一行中计算,但为了清晰起见,我们将逐一清除它们:

    'let's use some more variables to make this easier
    Private Const Format As String = "HH:mm:ss"
    Private checkin As DateTime
    Private checkout As DateTime
    Private rate As Integer = 10
    'now with variables!
    Private Sub btnTimeIn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTimeIn.Click
        checkin = Now
        TextboxTimeIn.Text = checkin.ToString(Format)
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnTimeOut_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTimeOut.Click
        checkout = Now
        TextboxTimeOut.Text = checkout.ToString(Format)
        'First we check for an amount of hours, then we add one if they overstayed
        Dim timeStayed As Integer = checkout.Hour - checkin.Hour
        If TimeStayed.Minute > 0 Then timeStayed += 1
        'Notice the use of a variable so you can tweak your rates easily
        txtAmount.Text = (timeStayed * rate).ToString
    End Sub

  • 让事情变得容易些。不要总是转换所有的东西
  • 遵循您自己的伪代码。你已经知道该怎么做了。去做吧
  • 我用整数来赚钱。。。这太糟糕了!你应该尽快改变这个,这样你的数字就可以有小数了!(还应将txtAmount格式化为货币)
  • 玩得开心