Vb.net 如何重新编写包含检查等式运算符重载中三个可为null(Of T)值的条件逻辑?

Vb.net 如何重新编写包含检查等式运算符重载中三个可为null(Of T)值的条件逻辑?,vb.net,Vb.net,因此,我正在为一个自定义对象编写等式操作符重载(操作符=()),由此产生的If条件的混乱只是一个麻烦。但到目前为止,它似乎是检查值以匹配此对象的特定行为的唯一明智的方法 这些规则是: Num1是必需的、句点和左右两个操作数,并且必须等于True。否则就错了 Num2是可选的,但如果指定,则左操作数和右操作数都必须存在,并且必须等于True。否则就错了 Num3是可选的,但仅当Num2也存在时才能指定。否则就错了 Num3(如果指定)对于左操作数和右操作数都必须存在,并且对于True必须相等。否则



  • Num1是必需的、句点和左右两个操作数,并且必须等于True。否则就错了
  • Num2是可选的,但如果指定,则左操作数和右操作数都必须存在,并且必须等于True。否则就错了
  • Num3是可选的,但仅当Num2也存在时才能指定。否则就错了
  • Num3(如果指定)对于左操作数和右操作数都必须存在,并且对于True必须相等。否则就错了

  • 到目前为止,我已经做到了:

    Public Shared Operator =(ByVal lhOp As MyObj, ByVal rhOp As MyObj) As Boolean
        If lhOp Is Nothing Then _
            Return rhOp Is Nothing
        If rhOp Is Nothing Then _
            Return lhOp Is Nothing
        Dim tmpBool As Boolean = ((lhOp.Num1.HasValue AndAlso rhOp.Num1.HasValue) AndAlso (lhOp.Num1.Value = rhOp.Num1.Value))
        '// If tmpbool is 'True', then see if the Num2 HasValue params are equal.
        If tmpBool Then
            If (lhOp.Num2.HasValue = rhOp.Num2.HasValue) Then
                '// They match.  Now, do they have any data?
                If (lhOp.Num2.HasValue AndAlso rhOp.Num2.HasValue) Then
                    '// Num2 has a value.  See if the left and right operands
                    '// match each other.
                    If (lhOp.Num2.Value = rhOp.Num2.Value) Then
                        '// Num2 matches, so see if Num3 HasValue params
                        '// are equal.
                        If (lhOp.Num3.HasValue = rhOp.Num3.HasValue) Then
                            '// They match.  Now, do they have any data?
                            If (lhOp.Num3.HasValue AndAlso rhOp.Num3.HasValue) Then
                                '// Num3 has a value.  See if the left and right operands
                                '// match each other.
                                If (lhOp.Num3.Value = rhOp.Num3.Value) Then
                                    '// All three parameters match, return 'True'.
                                    Return True
                                    '// Num3 failed to match, return 'False'.
                                    Return False
                                End If
                                '// No data in Num3, return true.
                                Return True
                            End If
                            '// Num3.HasValues do not match, return false.
                            Return False
                        End If
                        '// Num2 failed to match, return 'False'.
                        Return False
                    End If
                    '// No Num2, so we cannot have a Num3 specified as well.
                    If (lhOp.Num3.HasValue OrElse rhOp.Num3.HasValue) Then _
                        Return False
                    '// Return true.
                    Return True
                End If
                '// Num2.HasValues do not match, return false.
                Return False
            End If
        End If
        '// Default is false.
        Return False
    End Operator


        Return If(((lhOp.Num1.HasValue AndAlso rhOp.Num1.HasValue) AndAlso
                   (lhOp.Num1.Value = rhOp.Num1.Value)),
                  If((lhOp.Num2.HasValue = rhOp.Num2.HasValue),
                     If((lhOp.Num2.HasValue AndAlso rhOp.Num2.HasValue),
                        If((lhOp.Num2.Value = rhOp.Num2.Value),
                           If((lhOp.Num3.HasValue = rhOp.Num3.HasValue),
                              If((lhOp.Num3.HasValue AndAlso rhOp.Num3.HasValue),
                                 If((lhOp.Num3.Value = rhOp.Num3.Value),
                                    True, False),
                    If((lhOp.Num3.HasValue OrElse rhOp.Num3.HasValue), False, True)),




    Public Class MyObj
        Public Property Num1 As Boolean?
        Public Property Num2 As Boolean?
        Public Property Num3 As Boolean?
        Public Sub New(ByVal n1 As Boolean?, ByVal n2 As Boolean?, ByVal n3 As Boolean?)
            Me.Num1 = n1
            Me.Num2 = n2
            Me.Num3 = n3
        End Sub
    End Class

    Public Shared Function CheckEquals(ByVal lhOp As MyObj, ByVal rhOp As MyObj) As Boolean
        '//Num1 is required, also check the others for mismatched properties
        If (Not lhOp.Num1.HasValue) OrElse (Not rhOp.Num1.HasValue) OrElse (lhOp.Num2.HasValue <> rhOp.Num2.HasValue) OrElse (lhOp.Num3.HasValue <> rhOp.Num3.HasValue) Then Return False
        '//Num1 is required and must have the same value
        If (lhOp.Num1.Value <> rhOp.Num1.Value) Then Return False
        '//If Num2 is present the values must match
        If (lhOp.Num2.HasValue) AndAlso (lhOp.Num2.Value <> rhOp.Num2.Value) Then Return False
        '//Num3 is optional but Num2 must be set
        If lhOp.Num3.HasValue AndAlso (Not lhOp.Num2.HasValue OrElse (lhOp.Num3.Value <> lhOp.Num3.Value)) Then Return False
        Return True
    End Function

        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, Nothing), New MyObj(True, Nothing, Nothing)) = True)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, Nothing), New MyObj(True, True, Nothing)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, Nothing), New MyObj(True, Nothing, True)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, Nothing), New MyObj(True, True, True)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, Nothing), New MyObj(True, False, Nothing)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, Nothing), New MyObj(True, Nothing, False)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, Nothing), New MyObj(True, False, False)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, True, Nothing), New MyObj(True, True, Nothing)) = True)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, True, Nothing), New MyObj(True, True, True)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, True, Nothing), New MyObj(True, True, False)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, True, Nothing), New MyObj(True, Nothing, True)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, True, Nothing), New MyObj(True, Nothing, False)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, True), New MyObj(True, Nothing, True)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, Nothing, True), New MyObj(True, Nothing, False)) = False)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, True, True), New MyObj(True, True, True)) = True)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, True, False), New MyObj(True, True, False)) = True)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, False, False), New MyObj(True, False, False)) = True)
        Debug.Assert(CheckEquals(New MyObj(True, False, True), New MyObj(True, False, True)) = True)