Vb.net VB Express 2010找不到我不想再查找的文件

Vb.net VB Express 2010找不到我不想再查找的文件,vb.net,winforms,visual-studio-2010,publish,Vb.net,Winforms,Visual Studio 2010,Publish,我已将这些文件复制到项目的mymy Project目录中,以将它们作为程序集引用,但我不再希望它们位于该目录中,因为当我发布项目时,会收到一组警告,表明这些程序集被错误地指定为文件 我怎样才能消除这些错误 Error 4 Could not find file 'My Project\DotNetOpenAuth.dll'. MiPro Error 5 Could not find file 'My Project\GDrive.Explorer.exe'. MiPro

我已将这些文件复制到项目的mymy Project目录中,以将它们作为程序集引用,但我不再希望它们位于该目录中,因为当我发布项目时,会收到一组警告,表明这些程序集被错误地指定为文件


Error   4   Could not find file 'My Project\DotNetOpenAuth.dll'.    MiPro
Error   5   Could not find file 'My Project\GDrive.Explorer.exe'.   MiPro
Error   6   Could not find file 'My Project\GDrive.Framework.dll'.  MiPro
Error   7   Could not find file 'My Project\Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.dll'. MiPro
Error   9   Could not find file 'My Project\Google.Apis.dll'.   MiPro
Error   8   Could not find file 'My Project\Google.Apis.PlatformServices.dll'.  MiPro
Error   21  Could not find file 'My Project\log4net.dll'.   MiPro
Error   12  Could not find file 'My Project\Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.dll'. MiPro
Error   10  Could not find file 'My Project\Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.Desktop.dll'.  MiPro
Error   11  Could not find file 'My Project\Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll'.  MiPro
Error   13  Could not find file 'My Project\Newtonsoft.Json.dll'.   MiPro
Error   17  Could not find file 'My Project\System.Net.Http.dll'.   MiPro
Error   14  Could not find file 'My Project\System.Net.Http.Extensions.dll'.    MiPro
Error   15  Could not find file 'My Project\System.Net.Http.Primitives.dll'.    MiPro
Error   16  Could not find file 'My Project\System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll'.    MiPro
Error   18  Could not find file 'My Project\System.Runtime.dll'.    MiPro
Error   19  Could not find file 'My Project\System.Threading.Tasks.dll'.    MiPro
Error   20  Could not find file 'My Project\Zlib.Portable.dll'. MiPro
Message 3   Could not find schema information for the attribute 'sku'.  C:\Users\admin\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MiPro\MiPro\app.config 23  43  MiPro
Message 2   Could not find schema information for the attribute 'version'.  C:\Users\admin\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MiPro\MiPro\app.config 23  28  MiPro
Message 1   Could not find schema information for the element 'supportedRuntime'.   C:\Users\admin\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\MiPro\MiPro\app.config 23  11  MiPro



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