Vb6 如何从sql server填充组合框中的数据

Vb6 如何从sql server填充组合框中的数据,vb6,Vb6,我有一个组合框名cbSection 如何在组合框中填充来自sql server的数据 任何想法都会有帮助 -谢谢,这是谷歌快速搜索的第一个结果 Dim strSQL as String 'Declare the variables we need Dim oRS as ADODB.Recordset Set oRS = New ADODB.Recordset 'Load the data '** change this SQL


如何在组合框中填充来自sql server的数据



Dim strSQL as String    'Declare the variables we need 
Dim oRS as ADODB.Recordset
  Set oRS = New ADODB.Recordset

                           'Load the data
'** change this SQL to load the data you want.
  strSQL = "SELECT Colour FROM Colours"

'** change oConn to the name of your Connection object
  oRS.Open strSQL, oConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
                           'Fill the combo box (or ListBox)
'** change the name of the combo to the one you want to fill
  With cboColour
    Do While Not oRS.EOF
'** change the name of the field here to the one you want to show
      .AddItem oRS.fields("Colour").value
  End With

                           'Tidy up
  Set oRS = Nothing