Vb6 我想知道VB0.6中文本框中一个单词的发生时间

Vb6 我想知道VB0.6中文本框中一个单词的发生时间,vb6,Vb6,想知道Visual BASIC v.0.6中文本框中一个单词的出现次数吗? 我试着使用列表中的计数器,但效果不好 例如:在下面的句子中: “去玩,回家”。。。动词“go”出现两次..然后。。我想要计算动词“go”出现次数的代码,并通过标签对我说:例如:2次 例如:在下面的句子中: “去玩,回家”。。。动词“go”出现两次..然后。。我想要计算动词“go”出现次数的代码,并通过标签对我说:例如:2次尝试以下代码:- Dim txt$, find$, i1%, count% txt = "go t

想知道Visual BASIC v.0.6中文本框中一个单词的出现次数吗? 我试着使用列表中的计数器,但效果不好

例如:在下面的句子中: “去玩,回家”。。。动词“go”出现两次..然后。。我想要计算动词“go”出现次数的代码,并通过标签对我说:例如:2次


Dim txt$, find$, i1%, count%

txt = "go to play and go to home"
find = "go"

i1 = 0
    i1 = InStr(i1 + 1, txt, find)
    If i1 > 0 Then
        count = count + 1
        i1 = i1 + Len(find)
        Exit Do
    End If

MsgBox count


Dim txt$, find$, i1%, count%

txt = "go to play and go to home"
find = "go"

i1 = 0
    i1 = InStr(i1 + 1, txt, find)
    If i1 > 0 Then
        count = count + 1
        i1 = i1 + Len(find)
        Exit Do
    End If

MsgBox count

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Label1.Caption = CStr(CountWord(Text1.Text, "go")) & " times"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Text1.Text = " go to play and go to home"
End Sub

Private Function CountWord(strText As String, strWord As String) As Long
  CountWord = (Len(strText) - Len(Replace(strText, strWord, ""))) / Len(strWord)
End Function

例如,“go to play and go to home to search on google”将计算“go”的3个实例。


Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Label1.Caption = CStr(CountWord(Text1.Text, "go")) & " times"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Text1.Text = " go to play and go to home"
End Sub

Private Function CountWord(strText As String, strWord As String) As Long
  CountWord = (Len(strText) - Len(Replace(strText, strWord, ""))) / Len(strWord)
End Function

例如,“go to play and go to home to search on google”将计算“go”的3个实例。


Private Sub Form_Load()
    Debug.Print CountWords(" go to play and G.O to home to search on g.o" & vbCrLf & "ogle", "g.o")
End Sub

Private Function CountWords(sText As String, sWord As String) As Long
    Dim sPattern            As String

    sPattern = pvInitRegExp("[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]").Replace(sWord, "\$&")
    CountWords = pvInitRegExp("\s" & sPattern & "\s").Execute(sText).Count
End Function

Private Function pvInitRegExp(sPattern As String) As Object
    Set pvInitRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    With pvInitRegExp
        .Pattern = sPattern
        .Global = True
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .MultiLine = True
    End With
End Function



Private Sub Form_Load()
    Debug.Print CountWords(" go to play and G.O to home to search on g.o" & vbCrLf & "ogle", "g.o")
End Sub

Private Function CountWords(sText As String, sWord As String) As Long
    Dim sPattern            As String

    sPattern = pvInitRegExp("[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]").Replace(sWord, "\$&")
    CountWords = pvInitRegExp("\s" & sPattern & "\s").Execute(sText).Count
End Function

Private Function pvInitRegExp(sPattern As String) As Object
    Set pvInitRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    With pvInitRegExp
        .Pattern = sPattern
        .Global = True
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .MultiLine = True
    End With
End Function