
VBA-区分值并转置旁边数据的最佳方法?,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,Excel中的两列,列出候选人Id和首选城市(只是其中的一部分): 如何使用VBA使它们看起来像下面这样: A B C D E F 6957 Ankara Antalya İstanbul İzmir 8469 İstanbul 8470 İzmir İstanbul 8499 İstanbul



 A         B         C          D         E          F
6957    Ankara     Antalya   İstanbul   İzmir
8469    İstanbul                
8470    İzmir      İstanbul             
8499    İstanbul        
8514    İstanbul                
7775    Ankara    Eskişehir  Kastamonu  Zonguldak   Karabük
8532    Ankara    Antalya    Bursa      İzmir


Sub makeTable()
Dim inRange As Range
Dim outRange As Range
Dim currentCell, currentCandidate
Dim optionCount As Integer

Set inRange = Range("A2:A19")
Set outRange = Range("D2")

currentCandidate = inRange.Cells(1).Value
outRange.Value = currentCandidate
optionCount = 0

For Each currentCell In inRange.Cells
  If currentCell.Value = currentCandidate Then
    optionCount = optionCount + 1
    optionCount = 1
    Set outRange = outRange.Offset(1, 0)
    currentCandidate = currentCell.Value
    outRange.Value = currentCandidate
  End If
  outRange.Offset(0, optionCount) = currentCell.Offset(0, 1)

Next currentCell

End Sub



  • 将数据带到新结构中
  • 将新结构写入Excel
  • 有时,将工作环境分开是很有价值的。与Floris的代码片段不同,键列不必排序




  • 分支到错误处理程序并设置一些变量,这些变量将在主程序流中使用
  • 在下一步恢复错误时使用
  • 这两种选择都可能导致无法读取的代码,这取决于具体情况。在这里,选项1较短。此外,我不希望有“副作用”。主程序流中的变量由主程序流之外的错误处理程序奇妙地设置,提醒我注意副作用


    Sub makeTable()
    Dim inRange As Range
    Dim outRange As Range
    Dim currentCell, currentCandidate
    Dim optionCount As Integer
    Set inRange = Range("A2:A19")
    Set outRange = Range("D2")
    currentCandidate = inRange.Cells(1).Value
    outRange.Value = currentCandidate
    optionCount = 0
    For Each currentCell In inRange.Cells
      If currentCell.Value = currentCandidate Then
        optionCount = optionCount + 1
        optionCount = 1
        Set outRange = outRange.Offset(1, 0)
        currentCandidate = currentCell.Value
        outRange.Value = currentCandidate
      End If
      outRange.Offset(0, optionCount) = currentCell.Offset(0, 1)
    Next currentCell
    End Sub
    Dim rIn As Range
    Dim rOut As Range
    Dim row As Range
    Dim key
    Dim value
    Dim keyString As String
    Dim resultCollection As Collection
    Dim resultRow As Collection
    Dim rowOffset As Integer
    Dim columnOffset As Integer
    Dim outItem
    Set rIn = Range("A1:B9")
    Set rOut = Range("C1")
    Set resultCollection = New Collection
    ' 1. Loop through all rows of the input range.
    For Each row In rIn.Rows
        key = row.Cells(1, 1)
        value = row.Cells(1, 2)
        keyString = CStr(key)
        ' VBA Collections cannot check if a key exists. Error checking is the way to go.
        ' Error 457 is to bear in mind: "This key is already associated with an element of this collection."
        On Error Resume Next 
        ' Try to add a new key and its collection.
        resultCollection.Add New Collection, keyString
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
            ' No error means that key has just been added. Init the entry.
            resultCollection(keyString).Add keyString
        End If
        ' Here, enhanced error handling is possible.
        On Error GoTo 0
        ' Here we are sure that the result collection was prepared with the right key and a collection.
        resultCollection(keyString).Add value
    ' 2. Write the prepared resultCollectionto the sheet.
    rowOffset = 0
    For Each resultRow In resultCollection
        columnOffset = 0
        For Each outItem In resultRow
            rOut.Offset(rowOffset, columnOffset).value = outItem
            columnOffset = columnOffset + 1
        rowOffset = rowOffset + 1