Windows phone 8 Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator未安装在我的系统上

Windows phone 8 Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator未安装在我的系统上,windows-phone-8,windows-8,visual-studio-2013,Windows Phone 8,Windows 8,Visual Studio 2013,我想制作一个简单的WindowsPhone8应用程序。我已经在我的电脑上安装了: OS : Windows 8 pro Visual studio 2013 SDK 8.0 当我调试我的应用程序时,会出现以下错误: Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected. Make sure a phone is connected and powered on. This computer does not support the


OS : Windows 8 pro
Visual studio 2013 
SDK 8.0

Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected. Make sure a phone is connected and powered on.
This computer does not support the windows phone emulator, which require the 64-bit edition of windows 8.1 Pro and a computer that support Hyper-v,
为了解决此错误,当我安装windows 8.1 Emulator时,它会给我以下错误:

Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected. Make sure a phone is connected and powered on.
This computer does not support the windows phone emulator, which require the 64-bit edition of windows 8.1 Pro and a computer that support Hyper-v,




是否有任何方法可以在不使用emulator的情况下调试我的应用程序?您必须使用Windows Phone在不使用emulator的情况下调试应用程序。即使我遇到了同样的问题,模拟器也无法在我的机器上运行,使用了手机,它工作得很好。有没有办法在不使用模拟器的情况下调试我的应用程序?你必须使用Windows phone在没有模拟器的情况下调试你的应用程序。即使我遇到了同样的问题,模拟器也无法在我的机器上工作,使用了手机,它工作得非常好。