
尽管UFT脚本已完成,Windows任务仍继续运行,windows,vbscript,qtp,hp-uft,taskscheduler,Windows,Vbscript,Qtp,Hp Uft,Taskscheduler,我正在尝试创建一个任务,该任务将运行一个脚本来启动每天运行的UFT(统一功能测试)。我的脚本正确启动UFT运行到完成,并提供我在Powershell中验证过的退出代码。以下是VBS脚本: testResourcePath = "D:\testnow\code\" 'Getting the test path Dim objArgs Set objArgs = wscript.Arguments testPath = objArgs(0) 'Determining that the


testResourcePath = "D:\testnow\code\"

'Getting the test path

Dim objArgs

Set objArgs = wscript.Arguments

testPath = objArgs(0)

'Determining that the test does exist

Dim objFSO

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

DoesFolderExist = objFSO.FolderExists(testPath)

Set objFSO = Nothing

If DoesFolderExist Then

    Dim uftApp 'Declare the Application object variable

    Dim uftTest 'Declare a Test object variable

    Set uftApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") 'Create the Application object

    uftApp.Launch 'Start QuickTest

    uftApp.Visible = true 'Make the QuickTest application visible

    'Associating function libraries
    uftApp.Open testPath + "\fakepath", False, False
    Set objLib = uftApp.Test.Settings.Resources.Libraries
    'If the library is not already associated with the test case, associate it..
    If objLib.Find(testPath + "\fakepath\ErrorHandlingLibrary.qfl") = -1 Then ' If library is not already added
        objLib.Add testPath + "\fakepath\ErrorHandlingLibrary.qfl", 1 
        objLib.Add testPath + "\fakepath\ObjectDefinitionLibrary.qfl", 1
        objLib.Add testPath + "\fakepath\TestFunctionLibrary.qfl", 1 
        objLib.Add testPath + "\fakepath\UtilityLibrary.qfl", 1 
    End If

    'uftApp.Open testPath, False 'Open the test in read-only mode

    Set uftTest = uftApp.Test

    Set uftResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions") ' Create the Run Results Options object

    uftResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = testResourcePath ' Specify the location to save the test results.

    uftTest.Run uftResultsOpt,True 'Run the test and wait until end of the test run

    Dim returnCode
    If uftTest.LastRunResults.Status = "Failed" Then
        'qtTest.Run 'Run the test
        uftTest.Close 'Close the test
        returnCode = 1

        returnCode = 0
    End If
    uftTest.Close 'Close the test
    WScript.Echo "Closing Test"

    'Couldn't find the test folder. That's bad. Guess we'll have to report on how we couldn't find the test.

    'Insert reporting mechanism here.

End If


