Xml 如何知道属性或节点是否具有不同的命名空间?

Xml 如何知道属性或节点是否具有不同的命名空间?,xml,actionscript-3,flash,Xml,Actionscript 3,Flash,如何知道何时遇到具有名称空间的节点,以及何时可以提取该名称空间的名称和URL XML: 我可以在字符串中检查::,但这似乎很麻烦。一定有更好的办法 使用来自不同但相关帖子的信息,我能够检查attribute.namespace对象。通常这没什么!但当它具有名称空间前缀时,它将返回一个对象 public static function getAttributeNames(node:XML):Array { var result:Array = []; var attributeNa





public static function getAttributeNames(node:XML):Array {
    var result:Array = [];
    var attributeName:String;

    for each (var attribute:XML in node.attributes()) {
        attributeName = attribute.name().toString();

        var attNamespace:Object = attribute.namespace();
        var a:Object = attribute.namespace().prefix     //returns prefix i.e. rdf
        var b:Object = attribute.namespace().uri        //returns uri of prefix i.e. http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#

        var c:Object = attribute.inScopeNamespaces()   //returns all inscope namespace as an associative array like above

        //returns all nodes in an xml doc that use the namespace
        var nsElement:Namespace = new Namespace(attribute.namespace().prefix, attribute.namespace().uri);

        var usageCount:XMLList = attribute..nsElement::*;

    return result;

public static function getAttributeNames(node:XML):Array {
    var result:Array = [];
    var attributeName:String;

    for each (var attribute:XML in node.attributes()) {
        attributeName = attribute.name().toString();

    return result;

trace (result);

[0] visible
[1] library://ns.test.com/flex/::locked
public static function getAttributeNames(node:XML):Array {
    var result:Array = [];
    var attributeName:String;

    for each (var attribute:XML in node.attributes()) {
        attributeName = attribute.name().toString();

        var attNamespace:Object = attribute.namespace();
        var a:Object = attribute.namespace().prefix     //returns prefix i.e. rdf
        var b:Object = attribute.namespace().uri        //returns uri of prefix i.e. http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#

        var c:Object = attribute.inScopeNamespaces()   //returns all inscope namespace as an associative array like above

        //returns all nodes in an xml doc that use the namespace
        var nsElement:Namespace = new Namespace(attribute.namespace().prefix, attribute.namespace().uri);

        var usageCount:XMLList = attribute..nsElement::*;

    return result;