Amazon web services 无法将Amazon lex集成到我的网站中

Amazon web services 无法将Amazon lex集成到我的网站中,amazon-web-services,amazon-lex,Amazon Web Services,Amazon Lex,我已经开发了一个aws lex chatbot。现在,我想使用预构建的UI组件库作为github中已有的可嵌入iframe集成到我的网站EC2实例中。这是指向它的链接:。下面是github中iframe的代码: <html> <head> <title>My Parent Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to my parent page

我已经开发了一个aws lex chatbot。现在,我想使用预构建的UI组件库作为github中已有的可嵌入iframe集成到我的网站EC2实例中。这是指向它的链接:。下面是github中iframe的代码:

    <title>My Parent Page</title>
    <h1>Welcome to my parent page</h1>
    <!-- loader script -->
    <script src="./lex-web-ui-loader.js"></script>
        The loader library creates a global object named ChatBotUiLoader
        It includes the IframeLoader constructor
        An instance of IframeLoader has the load function which kicks off
        the load process

      // options for the loader constructor
      var loaderOptions = {
        // you can put the chatbot UI config in a JSON file
        configUrl: './chatbot-ui-loader-config.json',

        // the full page chatbot UI that will be iframed
        iframeSrcPath: './chatbot-index.html#/?lexWebUiEmbed=true'

      // The following statement instantiates the IframeLoader
      var iframeLoader = new ChatBotUiLoader.IframeLoader(loaderOptions);

      // chatbot UI config
      // The loader can also obtain these values from other sources such
      // as a JSON file or events. The configUrl variable in the
      // loaderOptions above can be used to put these config values in a file
      // instead of explicitly passing it as an argument.
      var chatbotUiConfig = {
        ui: {
          // origin of the parent site where you are including the chatbot UI
          // set to window.location.origin since hosting on same site
          parentOrigin: window.location.origin,
        iframe: {
          // origin hosting the HTML file that will be embedded in the iframe
          // set to window.location.origin since hosting on same site
          iframeOrigin: window.location.origin,
        cognito: {
          // Your Cognito Pool Id - this is required to provide AWS credentials
          poolId: xxx
        lex: {
          // Lex Bot Name in your account
          botName: yyy

      // Call the load function which returns a promise that is resolved
      // once the component is loaded or is rejected if there is an error
        .then(function () {
          console.log('iframe loaded');
        .catch(function (err) {


<!-- loader script -->
<script src="./lex-web-ui-loader.js"></script>


              |--(other lex-web-ui files)


)在与此html文件相同的父文件夹中?是的。我已将github lex web ui文件夹移动到我的index.html文件夹中。我是否应更改路径?我已对您提到的内容进行了更改。我仍然欢迎访问我的父页面。我是否应创建上述代码中给出的chatbot-ui-loader-config.json?我在github中找不到此类文件目录。再次查看github,您是否复制了“dist”文件夹中的所有文件?这是一个有你需要的,而不是“lexwebui”文件夹。谢谢。这个建议很有用,我已经把它整合到我的网站上了。你能给我提供一些关于这个链接的建议吗?
<!-- loader script -->
<script src="./lex-web-ui/lex-web-ui-loader.js"></script>
              |--(other lex-web-ui files)