Android emulator emulator在eclipse中停止工作

Android emulator emulator在eclipse中停止工作,android-emulator,Android Emulator,它昨天工作正常。但现在不工作。我删除了以前的一个并创建了新的模拟器。它们也不工作,产生了与上面相同的错误。请帮我解决 提前感谢进入任务管理器->流程并结束流程“adb.exe”。 关闭模拟器和eclipse并重新启动。它会很好用的 [2012-07-10 07:11:32 - imageview] Android Launch! [2012-07-10 07:11:32 - imageview] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error



进入任务管理器->流程并结束流程“adb.exe”。 关闭模拟器和eclipse并重新启动。它会很好用的

[2012-07-10 07:11:32 - imageview] Android Launch!
[2012-07-10 07:11:32 - imageview] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
[2012-07-10 07:11:32 - imageview] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2012-07-10 07:11:32 - imageview] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'F:\android\android-sdk_r12-windows\android-sdk_r12-windows\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.