Android 全局变量范围返回[Object Object],而不是node.js中的字符串

Android 全局变量范围返回[Object Object],而不是node.js中的字符串,android,node.js,Android,Node.js,我试图访问请求函数中的tokenName,我能够成功地得到响应。但我想全局访问它,以便将其保存在数据库中 request(options,function (error, response, body) { tokenName = body.notification_key; console.log('tokenName: ' + tokenName); //I get the token name successfully return tokenName;


   request(options,function (error, response, body) {
    tokenName = body.notification_key; 
    console.log('tokenName: ' + tokenName); //I get the token name successfully
    return tokenName;

        var data = {

                image: image,
                email: token_email,
                name: name1,
                notification_key: tokenName,   //now, here it returns [Object object],dont know why
                token_id: token_id1,
                extra: 'created'
             console.log('image : ' + image);
             console.log('email : ' + token_email);
             console.log('name : ' + name1);
             console.log('tokenName : ' + tokenName);      //gives[Object object]
             console.log('token_id : ' + token_id1);

             return db.collection('Users').doc(user_id).set(data); //could not save because of this

{ notification_key: ‘WPX91bFxpiCMFe5p6JjypsOSgXn2lCVHMrX5Q1d-fjYqFoHMMc-
vPmrwncYJs7NqdZE7DyuO3sZ0e_b98c’ }



let tokenName; // i set this variable at global level

request(options,function (error, response, body) {

tokenName = body.notification_key; // asing the valeu to the global variable

console.log('tokenName: ' + tokenName); 


    var data = {

            image: image,
            email: token_email,
            name: name1,
            notification_key: tokenName,   //now it return token (string)
            token_id: token_id1,
            extra: 'created'
         console.log('image : ' + image);
         console.log('email : ' + token_email);
         console.log('name : ' + name1);
         console.log('tokenName : ' + tokenName);      
         console.log('token_id : ' + token_id1);

         return db.collection('Users').doc(user_id).set(data); 

它还是一样的。我还观察到数据负载在请求函数之前运行。你可以在我用图片更新帖子时查看。我觉得你不应该返回tokenName,而是应该将其设置为全局并直接使用,这样就不需要将其转换为stringPlease read-总结是,这不是向志愿者致辞的理想方式,可能会对获得答案产生反作用。请不要将此添加到您的问题中。