Android 如何在工具栏中的每个菜单上实现onclick事件我使用了TapTargetview库

Android 如何在工具栏中的每个菜单上实现onclick事件我使用了TapTargetview库,android,material-design,Android,Material Design,你为什么要用图书馆来做这个?它在Android框架中非常简单。只需用xml创建一个菜单,并用代码将其膨胀即可。 以下是my_toolbar_menu.xml: final TapTargetSequence sequence=new TapTargetSequence(this) .targets( TapTarget.forToolbarMenuItem(toolbar,,"S

你为什么要用图书馆来做这个?它在Android框架中非常简单。只需用xml创建一个菜单,并用代码将其膨胀即可。 以下是my_toolbar_menu.xml:

 final TapTargetSequence sequence=new TapTargetSequence(this)
                        TapTarget.forToolbarMenuItem(toolbar,,"Search","Search here!!!")
                                .outerCircleColor(      // Specify a color for the outer circle
                                .outerCircleAlpha(0.96f)            // Specify the alpha amount for the outer circle
                                .targetCircleColor(R.color.white)   // Specify a color for the target circle
                                .titleTextSize(24)                  // Specify the size (in sp) of the title text
                                .titleTextColor(R.color.white)      // Specify the color of the title text
                                .descriptionTextSize(28)            // Specify the size (in sp) of the description text
                                .descriptionTextColor(R.color.white)  // Specify the color of the description text
                                .textColor(R.color.white)            // Specify a color for both the title and description text
                                .textTypeface(Typeface.SANS_SERIF)  // Specify a typeface for the text
                                .dimColor(            // If set, will dim behind the view with 30% opacity of the given color
                                .drawShadow(true)                   // Whether to draw a drop shadow or not
                                .cancelable(false)                  // Whether tapping outside the outer circle dismisses the view
                                .tintTarget(true)                   // Whether to tint the target view's color
                                .transparentTarget(false)           // Specify whether the target is transparent (displays the content underneath)

                        TapTarget.forToolbarMenuItem(toolbar,,"Cart","Cart here!!!")
                        TapTarget.forToolbarNavigationIcon(toolbar,"Navigation","Navigation here!!!")


    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
        inflater.inflate(, menu);
        return true;

是的,但TapTargetView为我提供了android框架中不存在的UI功能。我没有使用过该功能,但当我重建项目时,它不会影响框架的事件:(…非常感谢Zaid Mirza的回复。。
    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
        inflater.inflate(, menu);
        return true;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    // Handle item selection
    switch (item.getItemId()) {
        return true;
        return true;
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);