Apache flex 从Flex 3到Flex 4的迁移错误

Apache flex 从Flex 3到Flex 4的迁移错误,apache-flex,flex3,flex4,migration,compiler-errors,Apache Flex,Flex3,Flex4,Migration,Compiler Errors,您好,我已将我的Flex 3项目迁移到Flex 4:我收到以下错误: 任何人都可以在Flex4中解决这个问题 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method activate through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager. 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method activate through a reference with sta

您好,我已将我的Flex 3项目迁移到Flex 4:我收到以下错误:


1061: Call to a possibly undefined method activate through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method activate through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method activate through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method activate through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addFocusManager through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addFocusManager through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addFocusManager through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addFocusManager through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method removeFocusManager through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method removeFocusManager through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method removeFocusManager through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method removeFocusManager through a reference with static type mx.managers:ISystemManager.
1144: Interface method addPopUp in namespace mx.managers:IPopUpManager is implemented with an incompatible signature in class mx.managers:PopUpManagerImpl. 
1144: Interface method addPopUp in namespace mx.managers:IPopUpManager is implemented with an incompatible signature in class mx.managers:PopUpManagerImpl. 
1144: Interface method addPopUp in namespace mx.managers:IPopUpManager is implemented with an incompatible signature in class mx.managers:PopUpManagerImpl. 
1144: Interface method addPopUp in namespace mx.managers:IPopUpManager is implemented with an incompatible signature in class mx.managers:PopUpManagerImpl. 
1144: Interface method createPopUp in namespace mx.managers:IPopUpManager is implemented with an incompatible signature in class mx.managers:PopUpManagerImpl.  
1144: Interface method createPopUp in namespace mx.managers:IPopUpManager is implemented with an incompatible signature in class mx.managers:PopUpManagerImpl.  
1144: Interface method createPopUp in namespace mx.managers:IPopUpManager is implemented with an incompatible signature in class mx.managers:PopUpManagerImpl.  
1144: Interface method createPopUp in namespace mx.managers:IPopUpManager is implemented with an incompatible signature in class mx.managers:PopUpManagerImpl.  




您最好列出突出显示有编译器错误的行。@Constantiner通常这样的错误没有行号,并且与库和主项目之间的版本不匹配有关。(见我的答案)。如果您因缺少细节而否决了b/c,我建议您取消否决票,因为我相信原始海报没有更多细节可提供。@www.Flextras.com no,我没有投反对票,我认为这些错误并没有什么特别之处,但我认为如果话题发起者指出这一事实会更好:)@Constantiner我讨厌人们投反对票而不说为什么您好,事实上在Flex3项目中有一个名为PopUpManagerImpl.as的类。正是从这个文件中我得到了所有这些错误。如果可能的话,我想解释一下。Thanks@FlexyBoz除了我已经说过的话,我不知道还能告诉你什么。这个问题通常与特定的类抛出错误无关;它通常涉及在不同于主项目的FlexSDK版本中编译的库。据我所知,没有任何代码可以更改以消除这种情况。您需要重新编译库以使用相同版本的FlexSDK。