
我想在applescript滴中设置变量一次,但它会让我为每个文件设置变量,applescript,Applescript,我写了一个applescript droplet,我想: 将一个或多个图像拖到液滴上 出现3个显示对话框,询问“宽度”、“高度”、“格式” 使用返回的上述文本处理所有丢弃的图像 3个显示对话框 目前,每个图像都会出现3个显示对话框(例如,3个图像=9个对话框)。有没有办法只回答这些对话一次?这是我的剧本: on run display dialog "This is a droplet" end run on open draggedItems set tid to AppleScr

我写了一个applescript droplet,我想:

  • 将一个或多个图像拖到液滴上
  • 出现3个显示对话框,询问“宽度”、“高度”、“格式”
  • 使用返回的上述文本处理所有丢弃的图像 3个显示对话框
  • 目前,每个图像都会出现3个显示对话框(例如,3个图像=9个对话框)。有没有办法只回答这些对话一次?这是我的剧本:

    on run
        display dialog "This is a droplet"
    end run
    on open draggedItems
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    --ask for new width
    set newWidth to text returned of (display dialog "New Width" default answer ¬
        "45" buttons {"Continue…", "Cancel"} ¬
        default button 1)
    --ask for new height
    set newHeight to text returned of (display dialog "New Height" default answer ¬
        "45" buttons {"Continue…", "Cancel"} ¬
        default button 1)
    --ask for formatType
    set newFormat to text returned of (display dialog "Image Format" default answer ¬
        "jpg" buttons {"Continue…", "Cancel"} ¬
        default button 1)
    repeat with i in draggedItems
        set theFile to (i as alias)
        set theFilePath to (the POSIX path of theFile)
        set fullFileName to name of (info for theFile without size)
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
        set fileNameNoExtension to first text item of fullFileName
        --set fileExtension to second text item of fullFileName
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
        do shell script ("/usr/local/bin/convert " & quoted form of theFilePath & " -resize " & newWidth & "x" & newHeight & "\\! ~/desktop/" & fileNameNoExtension & "." & newFormat)
    end repeat
    end open


    on open draggedItems
        display dialog (draggedItems as text)
    end open


    property askingForNew : true
    on open draggedItems
        if askingForNew is true then
            --display dialogs
            set askingForNew to false
        end if
        display dialog (draggedItems as text)
    end open