Applescript 对话框中的对话框:第二个对话框不工作

Applescript 对话框中的对话框:第二个对话框不工作,applescript,Applescript,我正试图编写一个脚本,使一个对话框询问“睡眠,重新启动,或关机”,当我选择“睡眠”选项时,会出现一个额外的对话框 重启和关机都能很好地工作,但是当我使用睡眠按钮,弹出额外的对话框时,它们就不工作了 set question to display dialog "Sleep, Restart, or Shutdown?" buttons {"Sleep", "Restart", "Shutdown"} with title "What do you want to do?" set answer



set question to display dialog "Sleep, Restart, or Shutdown?" buttons {"Sleep", "Restart", "Shutdown"} with title "What do you want to do?"
set answer to button returned of question

if answer is equal to "Restart" then
    tell application "Finder" to restart
end if

if answer is equal to "Shutdown" then
    tell application "Finder" to shutdown
end if

if answer is equal to "Sleep" then
    display dialog "Exit All and Sleep or Just Sleep?" buttons {"Exit All", "Just Sleep"}
end if

if answer is equal to "Exit All" then
    tell application "Finder" to run application "/Users/kjoesting/Desktop/Exit All and"
else if answer is equal to "Just Sleep" then
    tell application "Finder" to sleep
end if



set question to display dialog "Sleep, Restart, or Shutdown?" buttons {"Sleep", "Restart", "Shutdown"} with title "What do you want to do?"
set answer to button returned of question

if answer is equal to "Restart" then
    tell application "Finder" to restart
end if

if answer is equal to "Shutdown" then
    tell application "Finder" to shut down
end if

if answer is equal to "Sleep" then

    set question2 to display dialog "Exit All and Sleep or Just Sleep?" buttons {"Exit All", "Just Sleep"}
    set answer2 to button returned of question2

    if answer2 is equal to "Exit All" then
        tell application "Finder" to run application "/Users/kjoesting/Desktop/Exit All and"
    else if answer2 is equal to "Just Sleep" then
        tell application "Finder" to sleep
    end if

end if

这是另一个版本。我对操作进行了注释,并添加了日志语句。 通过这种方式,您可以在不重新启动的情况下测试整个系统并查看其工作原理。取消对相关行的注释并删除日志语句,以使其在现实生活中正常工作:

display dialog "Sleep, Restart, or Shutdown?" buttons {"Sleep", "Restart", "Shutdown"} default button 1 with title "What do you want to do?"
set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result

if the button_pressed is "Sleep" then
    -- action for 1st button goes here
    log "Sleep"

    display dialog "Exit All and Sleep or Just Sleep?" buttons {"Exit All", "Just Sleep"} default button 2
    set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result
    if the button_pressed is equal to "Exit All" then
        --tell application "Finder" to run application "/Users/kjoesting/Desktop/Exit All and"
        log "Exit All"

    else if button_pressed is equal to "Just Sleep" then
        -- tell application "Finder" to sleep
        log "Just Sleep"
    end if

else if the button_pressed is "Restart" then
    -- action for 2nd button goes here
    log "Restart"
    --tell application "Finder" to restart

    -- action for 3rd button goes here (Shutdown)
    log "Shut Down"
    --tell application "Finder" to shut down

end if
