
Applescript:通过变量来判断困境,applescript,applescript-objc,Applescript,Applescript Objc,我想这样做: tell application "Finder" to set appName to (application file id "") as text using terms from application appName tell application appName to get URL of active tab of first window end using terms from 这不起作用,因为“使用来自的术语”需要应


tell application "Finder" to set appName to (application file id "") as text
using terms from application appName
    tell application appName to get URL of active tab of first window
end using terms from

using terms from application appName

using terms from application "Google Chrome"

编辑 按照@regulus6633的建议,我尝试了以下方法:

NSAppleScript* script = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:
    @"tell application \"Finder\" to set appName to (application file id \"\") as text"
    @"\nusing terms from application \"Google Chrome\""
    @"\ntell application appName to get URL of active tab of first window"
    @"\nend using terms from"];




-- here you determine what the user's browser is
set usersBrowser to "whatever"

using terms from application "Google Chrome"
    tell application usersBrowser
        -- here you do something in the user's browser
        -- you have to make sure that whatever command you use is applicable to both google chrome and whatever browser the user is using i.e. the command must work in both browsers
    end tell
end using terms from
