
如何测试AppleScript中的图像是否为空?,applescript,ichat,Applescript,Ichat,我有以下的应用程序脚本。当我收到即时消息时,我已将其设置为在ichat中运行。它通过咆哮通知我新消息: on notify_growl(theName, theTitle, theDescription, theImage) display dialog theImage tell application "Growl" notify with name theName title theTitle description theDescription appli


on notify_growl(theName, theTitle, theDescription, theImage)
    display dialog theImage
    tell application "Growl"
        notify with name theName title theTitle description theDescription application name "iChat" image theImage
    end tell
end notify_growl

using terms from application "iChat"
    -- register the app with growl
    tell application "Growl"
        set the allNotificationsList to {"Message Received"}
        set the enabledNotificationsList to {"Message Received"}
        register as application "iChat" all notifications allNotificationsList default notifications enabledNotificationsList icon of application "iChat"
    end tell

    -- handle the iChat events
    on message received theMessage from theBuddy for theChat
        if ((application "iChat" is not frontmost) or (status of application "iChat" is equal to away)) then
            notify_growl("Message Received", name of theBuddy, theMessage, image of theBuddy)
        end if
    end message received

    on received text invitation theMessage from theBuddy for theChat
        accept theChat
        if ((application "iChat" is not frontmost) or (status of application "iChat" is equal to away)) then
            notify_growl("Message Received", name of theBuddy, theMessage, image of theBuddy)
        end if
    end received text invitation
end using terms from



on notify_growl(theName, theTitle, theDescription, theImage)
    tell application "Growl"
        if theImage is missing value then
            notify with name theName title theTitle description theDescription ¬
                application name "iChat"
            notify with name theName title theTitle description theDescription ¬
                application name "iChat" image theImage
        end if
    end tell
end notify_growl

on notify_growl(theName, theTitle, theDescription, theImage)
    tell application "Growl"
        if theImage is missing value then set theImage to defaultImage
        notify with name theName title theTitle description theDescription ¬
            application name "iChat" image theImage
    end tell
end notify_growl

set defaultImageFile to open for access POSIX file "/some/file/path"
set defaultImage to read defaultImageFile as "JPEG"
close defaultImageFile



on notify_growl(theName, theTitle, theDescription, theImage)
    tell application "Growl"
        if theImage is missing value then
            notify with name theName title theTitle description theDescription ¬
                application name "iChat"
            notify with name theName title theTitle description theDescription ¬
                application name "iChat" image theImage
        end if
    end tell
end notify_growl

on notify_growl(theName, theTitle, theDescription, theImage)
    tell application "Growl"
        if theImage is missing value then set theImage to defaultImage
        notify with name theName title theTitle description theDescription ¬
            application name "iChat" image theImage
    end tell
end notify_growl

set defaultImageFile to open for access POSIX file "/some/file/path"
set defaultImage to read defaultImageFile as "JPEG"
close defaultImageFile

