Arrays 无法获取从文本文件读取到word的有效文件路径。双引号不起作用。(具有InlineShapes的运行时错误“5152”)

Arrays 无法获取从文本文件读取到word的有效文件路径。双引号不起作用。(具有InlineShapes的运行时错误“5152”),arrays,vba,ms-word,Arrays,Vba,Ms Word,我需要替换word中的108个图像。我编写了VBA代码,以便对于文档中读取的每个内联图像,该图像将被一个新图像替换。新映像由每个元素中都有文件路径的数组指定。数组来自文本文件 出于某种原因,如果我有变量strPath as,我的代码将无法工作 strPath = dataArray(i) 或 如果我输入,什么才有效 dataArray(0) = "C:\IMGS\G.2.1\NZ_DWH_v_SIMAP_AR1_biovalbox1_1100-1400m_Apr20-May26.png" 文


出于某种原因,如果我有变量strPath as,我的代码将无法工作

strPath = dataArray(i)


dataArray(0) = "C:\IMGS\G.2.1\NZ_DWH_v_SIMAP_AR1_biovalbox1_1100-1400m_Apr20-May26.png"
文本文件中的路径为 C:\IMGS\G.2.1\NZ_DWH_v_SIMAP_AR1_biovalbox1100-1400m_Apr20-May26.png

我在文本文件中有108行,每行用于需要替换的图像。 我已经在一个消息框中显示了路径,它看起来像上面的,所以我不确定为什么我不能从数组中获取文件路径。有人能帮我吗

    '1-loop thru all figs
    '2-bring up box to select figure
    '3-add figure
    Dim intChoice As Integer
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim objPic As InlineShape
    Dim intCount As Integer

    'import text
    Dim dataArray() As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim g As Integer
    strFileName = "C:\Users\cturner\Desktop\filesimgs_order.txt"
    Open strFileName For Input As #1
    dataArray = Split(Input$(LOF(1), #1), vbLf)
    Close #1

    g = 0
    intCount = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count
    'loop through inline shapes
    For i = 0 To intCount
        strPath = Chr(34) & dataArray(i) & Chr(34)
        MsgBox (TypeName(strPath))
        g = g + 1
        'check if valid filepath
        'Debug.Print FileExists(strPath)
        MsgBox strPath
        'check if the current shape is an picture
        If ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item(g).Type = wdInlineShapePicture Then
            Set objPic = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item(g)
            'insert the image
            Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= strPath, _
                LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True
        End If
    Next i
End Sub


第一部分。我检查了我的字符串是否有回车符。主要的问题是我没有清理我的字符串,因此将它放入一个函数中,使得vba抛出错误消息no bueno。如果有,UBound应该=1

For i = 0 To 2
strPath = dataArray(i)
checkcr = Split(strPath, vbCr)
firstIndex = LBound(checkcr)
lastIndex = UBound(checkcr)

MsgBox (firstIndex)
MsgBox (lastIndex)
MsgBox checkcr(lastIndex)
newstrPath = Replace(strPath, vbCr, "")
MsgBox newstrPath
Next i



Sub replacefigs()
' replacefigs Macro
' To replace old figures with new figures (updated disclosure)
'0-get full file paths from textfile
'1-loop thru all figs
'2-bring up box to select figure
'3-add figure

Dim intChoice As Integer
Dim strPath As String
Dim objPic As InlineShape
Dim intCount As Integer

'import text
Dim dataArray() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim g As Integer

strFileName = "C:\Users\cturner\Desktop\filesimgs_order.txt"
Open strFileName For Input As #1
dataArray = Split(Input$(LOF(1), #1), vbLf)
Close #1

g = 0

intCount = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count
'loop through inline shapes
For i = 0 To intCount

strPath = dataArray(i)
'Get rid of carriage returns
newstrPath = Replace(strPath, vbCr, "")

g = g + 1

'to check if file exists
'Debug.Print FileExists(newstrPath)

    'check if the current shape is an picture
    If ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item(g).Type = _
        wdInlineShapePicture Then

        Set objPic = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item(g)
    'insert the image
        Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= _
         newstrPath, LinkToFile:=False, _

    End If
Next i

End Sub

newstrPath = Replace(strPath, vbCr, "")
Sub replacefigs()
' replacefigs Macro
' To replace old figures with new figures (updated disclosure)
'0-get full file paths from textfile
'1-loop thru all figs
'2-bring up box to select figure
'3-add figure

Dim intChoice As Integer
Dim strPath As String
Dim objPic As InlineShape
Dim intCount As Integer

'import text
Dim dataArray() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim g As Integer

strFileName = "C:\Users\cturner\Desktop\filesimgs_order.txt"
Open strFileName For Input As #1
dataArray = Split(Input$(LOF(1), #1), vbLf)
Close #1

g = 0

intCount = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count
'loop through inline shapes
For i = 0 To intCount

strPath = dataArray(i)
'Get rid of carriage returns
newstrPath = Replace(strPath, vbCr, "")

g = g + 1

'to check if file exists
'Debug.Print FileExists(newstrPath)

    'check if the current shape is an picture
    If ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item(g).Type = _
        wdInlineShapePicture Then

        Set objPic = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item(g)
    'insert the image
        Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= _
         newstrPath, LinkToFile:=False, _

    End If
Next i

End Sub