elasticsearch,nested,logstash,rethinkdb,Arrays,elasticsearch,Nested,Logstash,Rethinkdb" /> elasticsearch,nested,logstash,rethinkdb,Arrays,elasticsearch,Nested,Logstash,Rethinkdb" />

Arrays 通过logstash将DB json转换为Elasticsearch

Arrays 通过logstash将DB json转换为Elasticsearch,arrays,elasticsearch,nested,logstash,rethinkdb,Arrays,elasticsearch,Nested,Logstash,Rethinkdb,希望你能帮忙 NB:我已经更新了logstash.conf 问题 我正试图通过LogStash将RejectionDB中的一个大JSON导入ElasticSearch。配置logstash.conf让我有些头疼,所以如果有人能给我指出正确的方向,我将不胜感激。初学者教程将是伟大的 我已经浏览过互联网和ES文档,但我还是很难保持清醒 问题是,我在所有列名之前都会得到“new_389;”,如果我重新加载数据,就会得到重复的数据 此外,使用对象遍历数组和使用更多对象遍历嵌套数组等都会带来额外的麻烦 寻



问题 我正试图通过LogStash将RejectionDB中的一个大JSON导入ElasticSearch。配置logstash.conf让我有些头疼,所以如果有人能给我指出正确的方向,我将不胜感激。初学者教程将是伟大的




寻求的解决方案 基本上需要解析JSON,动态地为列指定与对象相同的名称,然后将值添加到行中。此外,折叠数组,并为列提供数组和对象的名称,即“arrayname_objectname”,然后将值添加到行中

对于2级(或更高级别)嵌套数组,只需追加“arrayname\u arrayname\u objectname”,然后是行中的值




我在ES中得到了正确的结构,但仍然面临着所有列前面都有“new_u2;”的问题,而且我仍然得到了重复项。 那么:我如何指定一个ID值进行匹配(更新为不获取重复项),以及如何删除列中的“new_”



    "name" : "This is the name of the customer.",
    "url" : "Provides the URL (if any) of the customer.",
    "international_dialing_code" : "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the customer.",
    "phone_number" : "Defines the Phone Number of the customer.",
    "street" : "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
    "house_number" : "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer.",
    "po_box" : "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
    "building" : "Provides the building (if any) of the customer.",
    "district" : "Provides the district (if any) of the customer.",
    "city" : "City name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
    "postal_code" : "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer.",
    "iso_subdivision_code" : "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer.",
    "iso_country_code" : "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
    "last_changed_by" : "User identification",
    "last_change_when" : "Timestamp of change",
    "customer_number" : [{
            "cust_number_value" : "Customer code or Customer Number",
            "cust_number_type" : "Type of the customer code. E.g. \"Customer Code\" or \"Customer Alternate Code\" SAP or SCV etc."
    "external_customer_reference_number" : [{
            "reference_number_type" : "DoDAAC etc. Reference data from another collection.",
            "reference_number_value" : "User provided data"
    "alternative_trading_name" : [
        "Company alternative name or abberiviation, 1 of many.",
        "Company alternative name or abberiviation, 2 of many."
    "tax_reference" : [{
            "tax_number" : "The tax number of customer corresponding to the specific \"tax number type\" and country.",
            "tax_number_type_code" : "Defines the type of the corresponding tax number.",
            "iso_country_code" : "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.  "
    "geo_location" : {
        "formatted_address" : "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
        "lat" : 55.6880806,
        "lng" : 12.5976728,
        "viewport" : {
            "northeast" : {
                "lat" : 55.6894295802915,
                "lng" : 12.5990217802915
            "southwest" : {
                "lat" : 55.6867316197085,
                "lng" : 12.5963238197085
    "customer_contacts" : [{
            "first_name" : "First name of the contact.",
            "last_name" : "Last name of the contact.",
            "int_sal_code" : "Local salutation, like San (in Japanese), Herr\n(in Deutsche) etc.",
            "primary_sal_code" : "Primary salutation, like Mr., Mrs. Etc.",
            "job_title" : "Job title of the contact in his/her\norganization.",
            "department" : "Department of the contact in his/her\norganization.",
            "email_address" : "Email address of the contact.",
            "contact_address" : {
                "street" : "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer contact",
                "house_number" : "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                "po_box" : "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                "building" : "Provides the building (if any) of the customer contact.",
                "district" : "Provides the district (if any) of the customer contact.",
                "city" : "City name corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                "postal_code" : "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                "iso_subdivision_code" : "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer contact.",
                "iso_country_code" : "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
                "geo_location" : {
                    "formatted_address" : "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
                    "lat" : 55.6880806,
                    "lng" : 12.5976728,
                    "viewport" : {
                        "northeast" : {
                            "lat" : 55.6894295802915,
                            "lng" : 12.5990217802915
                        "southwest" : {
                            "lat" : 55.6867316197085,
                            "lng" : 12.5963238197085
            "telecom" : [{
                    "type" : "Type of telecom device, phone, mobile, fax, etc. This may be a seleted from a list of suggestions",
                    "int_dial_code" : "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the telecom device.",
                    "phone_number" : "Defines the phone number of the device",
                    "extension" : "Extension of the device, if any."

Watching table customers.datamodel []
Logstash startup completed

            "db" => "customers",
         "table" => "datamodel",
       "old_val" => nil,
       "new_val" => {
                   "alternative_trading_name" => [
            [0] "Company alternative name or abberiviation, 1 of many.",
            [1] "Company alternative name or abberiviation, 2 of many."
                                   "building" => "Provides the building (if any) of the customer.",
                                       "city" => "City name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                          "customer_contacts" => [
            [0] {
                    "contact_address" => {
                                "building" => "Provides the building (if any) of the customer contact.",
                                    "city" => "City name corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                                "district" => "Provides the district (if any) of the customer contact.",
                            "geo_location" => {
                        "formatted_address" => "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
                                      "lat" => 55.6880806,
                                      "lng" => 12.5976728,
                                 "viewport" => {
                            "northeast" => {
                                "lat" => 55.6894295802915,
                                "lng" => 12.5990217802915
                            "southwest" => {
                                "lat" => 55.6867316197085,
                                "lng" => 12.5963238197085
                            "house_number" => "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                        "iso_country_code" => "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
                    "iso_subdivision_code" => "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer contact.",
                                  "po_box" => "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                             "postal_code" => "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                                  "street" => "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer contact"
                         "department" => "Department of the contact in his/her\norganization.",
                      "email_address" => "Email address of the contact.",
                         "first_name" => "First name of the contact.",
                "int_salutation_code" => "Primary salutation, like Mr., Mrs. Etc.",
                          "job_title" => "Job title of the contact in his/her\norganization.",
                          "last_name" => "Last name of the contact.",
                "loc_salutation_code" => "Local salutation, like San (in Japanese), Herr\n(in Deutsche) etc.",
                            "telecom" => [
                    [0] {
                                         "extension" => "Extension of the device, if any.",
                        "international_dialing_code" => "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the telecom device.",
                                      "phone_number" => "Defines the phone number of the device",
                                              "type" => "Type of telecom device, phone, mobile, fax, etc. This may be a seleted from a list of suggestions"
                           "customer_numbers" => [
            [0] {
                 "cust_number_type" => "Type of the customer code. E.g. \"Customer Code\" or \"Customer Alternate Code\" SAP or SCV etc.",
                "cust_number_value" => "Customer code or Customer Number"
                                   "district" => "Provides the district (if any) of the customer.",
        "external_customer_reference_numbers" => [
            [0] {
                 "reference_number_type" => "DoDAAC etc. Reference data from another collection.",
                "reference_number_value" => "User provided data"
                               "geo_location" => {
            "formatted_address" => "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
                          "lat" => 55.6880806,
                          "lng" => 12.5976728,
                     "viewport" => {
                "northeast" => {
                    "lat" => 55.6894295802915,
                    "lng" => 12.5990217802915
                "southwest" => {
                    "lat" => 55.6867316197085,
                    "lng" => 12.5963238197085
                                  "hierarchy" => [
            [0] {
                           "concern_code" => "This is a code to combine several companies into the same group. This is reference data from another collection.",
                "related_customer_doc_id" => "This is the doc_ID of the releated customer.",
                      "relationship_type" => "Description of the relationship. This is reference data from another collection."
                               "house_number" => "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                                         "id" => "b586c597-f043-4857-80ca-2236ca6e9a3d",
                          "internal_use_only" => {
               "customer_segments" => [
                [0] 12345
            "customer_status_code" => "Defines the status of the customer. e.g. -\n\"Active\", \"Suspended\" etc. This is reference data from another collection.",
                   "customer_type" => "This is the type of customer. e.g. -\n\"External\", \"Internal\" etc. This is reference data from another collection.",
              "status_reason_code" => "Specifies the reason corresponding to the status\n- mainly for \"Inactive\" and \"Suspended\" statuses. This is reference data from another collection."
                 "international_dialing_code" => "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the customer.",
                           "iso_country_code" => "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
                       "iso_subdivision_code" => "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer.",
                               "phone_number" => "Defines the Phone Number of the customer.",
                                     "po_box" => "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                                "postal_code" => "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                                     "street" => "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                              "tax_reference" => [
            [0] {
                    "iso_country_code" => "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.  ",
                          "tax_number" => "The tax number of customer corresponding to the specific \"tax number type\" and country.",
                "tax_number_type_code" => "Defines the type of the corresponding tax number."
                               "trading_name" => "This is the trading name of the customer.",
                                        "url" => "Provides the URL (if any) of the customer."
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2016-02-03T16:54:16.309Z"

"hits": [
"_index": "newcustomer",
"_type": "logs",
"_id": "AVKoFwPEnFxm1nt5POrY",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"db": "customers",
"table": "datamodel",
"old_val": null,
"new_val": {
"alternative_trading_name": [
"Company alternative name or abberiviation, 1 of many."
"Company alternative name or abberiviation, 2 of many."
"building": "Provides the building (if any) of the customer.",
"city": "City name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"customer_contacts": [
"contact_address": {
"building": "Provides the building (if any) of the customer contact.",
"city": "City name corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
"district": "Provides the district (if any) of the customer contact.",
"geo_location": {
"formatted_address": "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
"lat": 55.6880806,
"lng": 12.5976728,
"viewport": {
"northeast": {
"lat": 55.6894295802915,
"lng": 12.5990217802915
"southwest": {
"lat": 55.6867316197085,
"lng": 12.5963238197085
"house_number": "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
"iso_country_code": "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
"iso_subdivision_code": "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer contact.",
"po_box": "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"postal_code": "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
"street": "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer contact"
"department": "Department of the contact in his/her organization.",
"email_address": "Email address of the contact.",
"first_name": "First name of the contact.",
"int_salutation_code": "Primary salutation, like Mr., Mrs. Etc.",
"job_title": "Job title of the contact in his/her organization.",
"last_name": "Last name of the contact.",
"loc_salutation_code": "Local salutation, like San (in Japanese), Herr (in Deutsche) etc.",
"telecom": [
"extension": "Extension of the device, if any.",
"international_dialing_code": "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the telecom device.",
"phone_number": "Defines the phone number of the device",
"type": "Type of telecom device, phone, mobile, fax, etc. This may be a seleted from a list of suggestions"
"customer_numbers": [
"cust_number_type": "Type of the customer code. E.g. "Customer Code" or "Customer Alternate Code" SAP or SCV etc.",
"cust_number_value": "Customer code or Customer Number"
"district": "Provides the district (if any) of the customer.",
"external_customer_reference_numbers": [
"reference_number_type": "DoDAAC etc. Reference data from another collection.",
"reference_number_value": "User provided data"
"geo_location": {
"formatted_address": "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
"lat": 55.6880806,
"lng": 12.5976728,
"viewport": {
"northeast": {
"lat": 55.6894295802915,
"lng": 12.5990217802915
"southwest": {
"lat": 55.6867316197085,
"lng": 12.5963238197085
"hierarchy": [
"concern_code": "This is a code to combine several companies into the same group. This is reference data from another collection.",
"related_customer_doc_id": "This is the doc_ID of the releated customer.",
"relationship_type": "Description of the relationship. This is reference data from another collection."
"house_number": "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"id": "b586c597-f043-4857-80ca-2236ca6e9a3d",
"internal_use_only": {
"customer_segments": [
"customer_status_code": "Defines the status of the customer. e.g. - "Active", "Suspended" etc. This is reference data from another collection.",
"customer_type": "This is the type of customer. e.g. - "External", "Internal" etc. This is reference data from another collection.",
"status_reason_code": "Specifies the reason corresponding to the status - mainly for "Inactive" and "Suspended" statuses. This is reference data from another collection."
"international_dialing_code": "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the customer.",
"iso_country_code": "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
"iso_subdivision_code": "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer.",
"phone_number": "Defines the Phone Number of the customer.",
"po_box": "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"postal_code": "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"street": "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"tax_reference": [
"iso_country_code": "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection. ",
"tax_number": "The tax number of customer corresponding to the specific "tax number type" and country.",
"tax_number_type_code": "Defines the type of the corresponding tax number."
"trading_name": "This is the trading name of the customer.",
"url": "Provides the URL (if any) of the customer."
"@version": "1",
"@timestamp": "2016-02-03T17:03:45.339Z"

Watching table customers.datamodel []
Logstash startup completed

            "db" => "customers",
         "table" => "datamodel",
       "old_val" => nil,
       "new_val" => {
                   "alternative_trading_name" => [
            [0] "Company alternative name or abberiviation, 1 of many.",
            [1] "Company alternative name or abberiviation, 2 of many."
                                   "building" => "Provides the building (if any) of the customer.",
                                       "city" => "City name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                          "customer_contacts" => [
            [0] {
                    "contact_address" => {
                                "building" => "Provides the building (if any) of the customer contact.",
                                    "city" => "City name corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                                "district" => "Provides the district (if any) of the customer contact.",
                            "geo_location" => {
                        "formatted_address" => "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
                                      "lat" => 55.6880806,
                                      "lng" => 12.5976728,
                                 "viewport" => {
                            "northeast" => {
                                "lat" => 55.6894295802915,
                                "lng" => 12.5990217802915
                            "southwest" => {
                                "lat" => 55.6867316197085,
                                "lng" => 12.5963238197085
                            "house_number" => "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                        "iso_country_code" => "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
                    "iso_subdivision_code" => "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer contact.",
                                  "po_box" => "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                             "postal_code" => "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
                                  "street" => "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer contact"
                         "department" => "Department of the contact in his/her\norganization.",
                      "email_address" => "Email address of the contact.",
                         "first_name" => "First name of the contact.",
                "int_salutation_code" => "Primary salutation, like Mr., Mrs. Etc.",
                          "job_title" => "Job title of the contact in his/her\norganization.",
                          "last_name" => "Last name of the contact.",
                "loc_salutation_code" => "Local salutation, like San (in Japanese), Herr\n(in Deutsche) etc.",
                            "telecom" => [
                    [0] {
                                         "extension" => "Extension of the device, if any.",
                        "international_dialing_code" => "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the telecom device.",
                                      "phone_number" => "Defines the phone number of the device",
                                              "type" => "Type of telecom device, phone, mobile, fax, etc. This may be a seleted from a list of suggestions"
                           "customer_numbers" => [
            [0] {
                 "cust_number_type" => "Type of the customer code. E.g. \"Customer Code\" or \"Customer Alternate Code\" SAP or SCV etc.",
                "cust_number_value" => "Customer code or Customer Number"
                                   "district" => "Provides the district (if any) of the customer.",
        "external_customer_reference_numbers" => [
            [0] {
                 "reference_number_type" => "DoDAAC etc. Reference data from another collection.",
                "reference_number_value" => "User provided data"
                               "geo_location" => {
            "formatted_address" => "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
                          "lat" => 55.6880806,
                          "lng" => 12.5976728,
                     "viewport" => {
                "northeast" => {
                    "lat" => 55.6894295802915,
                    "lng" => 12.5990217802915
                "southwest" => {
                    "lat" => 55.6867316197085,
                    "lng" => 12.5963238197085
                                  "hierarchy" => [
            [0] {
                           "concern_code" => "This is a code to combine several companies into the same group. This is reference data from another collection.",
                "related_customer_doc_id" => "This is the doc_ID of the releated customer.",
                      "relationship_type" => "Description of the relationship. This is reference data from another collection."
                               "house_number" => "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                                         "id" => "b586c597-f043-4857-80ca-2236ca6e9a3d",
                          "internal_use_only" => {
               "customer_segments" => [
                [0] 12345
            "customer_status_code" => "Defines the status of the customer. e.g. -\n\"Active\", \"Suspended\" etc. This is reference data from another collection.",
                   "customer_type" => "This is the type of customer. e.g. -\n\"External\", \"Internal\" etc. This is reference data from another collection.",
              "status_reason_code" => "Specifies the reason corresponding to the status\n- mainly for \"Inactive\" and \"Suspended\" statuses. This is reference data from another collection."
                 "international_dialing_code" => "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the customer.",
                           "iso_country_code" => "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
                       "iso_subdivision_code" => "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer.",
                               "phone_number" => "Defines the Phone Number of the customer.",
                                     "po_box" => "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                                "postal_code" => "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                                     "street" => "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
                              "tax_reference" => [
            [0] {
                    "iso_country_code" => "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.  ",
                          "tax_number" => "The tax number of customer corresponding to the specific \"tax number type\" and country.",
                "tax_number_type_code" => "Defines the type of the corresponding tax number."
                               "trading_name" => "This is the trading name of the customer.",
                                        "url" => "Provides the URL (if any) of the customer."
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2016-02-03T16:54:16.309Z"
"hits": [
"_index": "newcustomer",
"_type": "logs",
"_id": "AVKoFwPEnFxm1nt5POrY",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"db": "customers",
"table": "datamodel",
"old_val": null,
"new_val": {
"alternative_trading_name": [
"Company alternative name or abberiviation, 1 of many."
"Company alternative name or abberiviation, 2 of many."
"building": "Provides the building (if any) of the customer.",
"city": "City name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"customer_contacts": [
"contact_address": {
"building": "Provides the building (if any) of the customer contact.",
"city": "City name corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
"district": "Provides the district (if any) of the customer contact.",
"geo_location": {
"formatted_address": "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
"lat": 55.6880806,
"lng": 12.5976728,
"viewport": {
"northeast": {
"lat": 55.6894295802915,
"lng": 12.5990217802915
"southwest": {
"lat": 55.6867316197085,
"lng": 12.5963238197085
"house_number": "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
"iso_country_code": "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
"iso_subdivision_code": "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer contact.",
"po_box": "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"postal_code": "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer contact.",
"street": "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer contact"
"department": "Department of the contact in his/her organization.",
"email_address": "Email address of the contact.",
"first_name": "First name of the contact.",
"int_salutation_code": "Primary salutation, like Mr., Mrs. Etc.",
"job_title": "Job title of the contact in his/her organization.",
"last_name": "Last name of the contact.",
"loc_salutation_code": "Local salutation, like San (in Japanese), Herr (in Deutsche) etc.",
"telecom": [
"extension": "Extension of the device, if any.",
"international_dialing_code": "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the telecom device.",
"phone_number": "Defines the phone number of the device",
"type": "Type of telecom device, phone, mobile, fax, etc. This may be a seleted from a list of suggestions"
"customer_numbers": [
"cust_number_type": "Type of the customer code. E.g. "Customer Code" or "Customer Alternate Code" SAP or SCV etc.",
"cust_number_value": "Customer code or Customer Number"
"district": "Provides the district (if any) of the customer.",
"external_customer_reference_numbers": [
"reference_number_type": "DoDAAC etc. Reference data from another collection.",
"reference_number_value": "User provided data"
"geo_location": {
"formatted_address": "Formatted address, if any is provided by external address.",
"lat": 55.6880806,
"lng": 12.5976728,
"viewport": {
"northeast": {
"lat": 55.6894295802915,
"lng": 12.5990217802915
"southwest": {
"lat": 55.6867316197085,
"lng": 12.5963238197085
"hierarchy": [
"concern_code": "This is a code to combine several companies into the same group. This is reference data from another collection.",
"related_customer_doc_id": "This is the doc_ID of the releated customer.",
"relationship_type": "Description of the relationship. This is reference data from another collection."
"house_number": "House Number corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"id": "b586c597-f043-4857-80ca-2236ca6e9a3d",
"internal_use_only": {
"customer_segments": [
"customer_status_code": "Defines the status of the customer. e.g. - "Active", "Suspended" etc. This is reference data from another collection.",
"customer_type": "This is the type of customer. e.g. - "External", "Internal" etc. This is reference data from another collection.",
"status_reason_code": "Specifies the reason corresponding to the status - mainly for "Inactive" and "Suspended" statuses. This is reference data from another collection."
"international_dialing_code": "Defines the International Dialing Code corresponding to the phone number of the customer.",
"iso_country_code": "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection.",
"iso_subdivision_code": "The subdivision ISO code for the customer. This can be state, region etc. depending on the customer.",
"phone_number": "Defines the Phone Number of the customer.",
"po_box": "PO Box (if any) corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"postal_code": "Postal code corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"street": "Street name corresponding to the address of the customer.",
"tax_reference": [
"iso_country_code": "ISO (alpha-2) code of the country for which is tax information is applicable. This is reference data from another collection. ",
"tax_number": "The tax number of customer corresponding to the specific "tax number type" and country.",
"tax_number_type_code": "Defines the type of the corresponding tax number."
"trading_name": "This is the trading name of the customer.",
"url": "Provides the URL (if any) of the customer."
"@version": "1",
"@timestamp": "2016-02-03T17:03:45.339Z"