Arrays 在哪里可以找到Three.js(WebGL)的制服和属性中数据类型的参考?

Arrays 在哪里可以找到Three.js(WebGL)的制服和属性中数据类型的参考?,arrays,types,three.js,webgl,Arrays,Types,Three.js,Webgl,我正在使用Three.js和自定义着色器以及统一和属性值,我的问题是在哪里找到各种属性和统一值的所有类型的列表,例如纹理的列表,t;向量3s,v3;然后浮动,f在下面 this.customUniforms = { texture1: { type: "t", value: discTexture }, // <<< looking for a reference that lists all the valid types such as "t",


this.customUniforms = 
        texture1: { type: "t", value: discTexture }, // <<< looking for a reference that lists all the valid types such as "t", "f" and "v3"
        texture2: { type: "t", value: hatchTexture },
        mixAmount:   { type: "f", value: 0.0 }

this.customAttributes = 
       endPosition: { type: "v3", value: [] }
