Arrays 如何判断append是否创建了新的基础数组

Arrays 如何判断append是否创建了新的基础数组,arrays,go,slice,Arrays,Go,Slice,是否可以判断追加内置函数是否创建了一个新的基础阵列?当然,比较之前和之后的容量: before := cap(myArray) myArray = append(myArray, newValue) after := cap(myArray) fmt.Printf("before: %d, after: %d", before, after) 更好的问题是,你为什么需要这样做?您的代码实际上不应该关心是否创建了新的备份数组 操场演示:您可以查找第一个元素的内存指针 如果按照两个步骤的功率放大内



before := cap(myArray)
myArray = append(myArray, newValue)
after := cap(myArray)
fmt.Printf("before: %d, after: %d", before, after)




package main

import (

func main() {
    sl := make([]int, 0, 4)
    sl = append(sl, []int{1,2}...)  
    fmt.Printf("%#v<-%v # same pointer address to the slice length 2 with capacity 4\n", &sl[0], len(sl))
    sl = append(sl, []int{1,2}...)  
    fmt.Printf("%#v<-%v # same pointer address to the slice length 2 with capacity 4\ncapacity will change from the next append on:\n", &sl[0], len(sl))
    for i:=0; i<10; i++{
        sl = append(sl, 1)
        fmt.Printf("%#v<-len(%v) cap(%v)\n", &sl[0], len(sl), cap(sl))
    for i:=0; i<10; i++{
        sl = append(sl, sl...)
        fmt.Printf("%#v<-len(%v) cap(%v)\n", &sl[0], len(sl), cap(sl))

will print:
(*int)(0x414020)<-2 # same pointer address to the slice length 2 with capacity 4
(*int)(0x414020)<-4 # same pointer address to the slice length 2 with capacity 4
capacity will change from the next append on:
(*int)(0x450020)<-len(5) cap(8)
(*int)(0x450020)<-len(6) cap(8)
(*int)(0x450020)<-len(7) cap(8)
(*int)(0x450020)<-len(8) cap(8)
(*int)(0x432080)<-len(9) cap(16)
(*int)(0x432080)<-len(10) cap(16)
(*int)(0x432080)<-len(11) cap(16)
(*int)(0x432080)<-len(12) cap(16)
(*int)(0x432080)<-len(13) cap(16)
(*int)(0x432080)<-len(14) cap(16)
(*int)(0x456000)<-len(28) cap(32)
(*int)(0x458000)<-len(56) cap(64)
(*int)(0x45a000)<-len(112) cap(128)
(*int)(0x45c000)<-len(224) cap(256)
(*int)(0x45e000)<-len(448) cap(512)
(*int)(0x460000)<-len(896) cap(1024)
(*int)(0x462000)<-len(1792) cap(2048)
(*int)(0x464000)<-len(3584) cap(4096)
(*int)(0x468000)<-len(7168) cap(8192)
(*int)(0x470000)<-len(14336) cap(16384)

