Batch file 批处理命令以在另一个程序中打开.bat文件

Batch file 批处理命令以在另一个程序中打开.bat文件,batch-file,cmd,Batch File,Cmd,我在批处理代码的这部分遇到了一些问题: SET /P C="Would You Like To EDIT Shows or EXIT? |" IF /I "%C%" EQU "Edit" START "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "G:\Backup\Backup Folder 2\Batch Commands\Shows.bat" IF /I "%C%" EQU "Exit" GOTO :Exit 当前文件名为Shows


SET /P C="Would You Like To EDIT Shows or EXIT? |"

IF /I "%C%" EQU "Edit" START "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "G:\Backup\Backup Folder 2\Batch Commands\Shows.bat"

IF /I "%C%" EQU "Exit" GOTO :Exit

@echo off
set /p c="Would you like to EDIT shows or EXIT? |"
if /i "%c%" equ "Edit" start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "G:\Backup\Backup Folder 2\Batch Commands\Shows.bat"
if /i "%c%" equ "Exit" goto exit
