C 通过*指针赋值后,相邻内存段将被零填充。为什么?

C 通过*指针赋值后,相邻内存段将被零填充。为什么?,c,C,我正在用一本旧书《C编程语言》学习C语言,目前正在试验指针 #include <stdio.h> int main (void) { // init string char s[8] = "ZZZZZZZ"; // it goes: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z \0 long *p; // make pointer refering to the same adress as s p = s; // but


#include <stdio.h>
main (void)
    // init string
    char s[8] = "ZZZZZZZ";
    // it goes: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z \0

    long *p;         // make pointer refering to the same adress as s
    p = s;           // but declared long for modifying 4 bytes at once
    *p = 0x41414141; // and assign hexadecimal constant equal to 65 65 65 65

    // expect output to be: AAAAZZZ
    printf ("%s\n", s);
    // but get the next: AAAA

    // wrote the following line to find out what's wrong with last 4 chars
    printf ("%i%i%i%i\n", s[4], s[5], s[6], s[7]);
    // and those appear to become zero after messing with first 4 ones

    return 0;

PS.已经得到了答案:在x64机器上,type long是8字节,我没有观察到。我很惊讶这是一件多么好的事情。谢谢大家。


您可以尝试设置不同的值,您将看到体系结构是little endian:

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
char s[8] = "ZZZZZZZ";
// it goes: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z \0

long *p;
p = (long *)s;
*p = 0x41424344; // A B C D

printf ("%s\n", s);

return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
main (void)
    // init string
    char s[8] = "ZZZZZZZ";
    // it goes: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z \0

    int32_t *p;         // making pointer refering to the same adress as s
    p = (int32_t*)s;           // but declared as long for modifying 4 bytes at once
    *p = 0x41414141; // and assign hexadecimal constant equal to 65 65 65 65

    // expect output to be: AAAAZZZ
    printf ("%s\n", s);
    // but get the next: AAAA

    // wrote the following line to find out what's wrong with last 4 chars
    printf ("%i%i%i%i\n", s[4], s[5], s[6], s[7]);
    // and those appear to become zero after messing with first 4 ones

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
main (void) 
    // init string
    char s[8] = "ZZZZZZZ";
    // it goes: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z \0

    int32_t src = 0x41414141;
    memcpy(s, &src, sizeof(src));

    // expect output to be: AAAAZZZ
    printf ("%s\n", s);
    // but get the next: AAAA

    // wrote the following line to find out what's wrong with last 4 chars
    printf ("%i%i%i%i\n", s[4], s[5], s[6], s[7]);
    // and those appear to become zero after messing with first 4 ones

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
char s[8] = "ZZZZZZZ";
// it goes: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z \0

long *p;
p = (long *)s;
*p = 0x41424344; // A B C D

printf ("%s\n", s);

return 0;
*p = 0x0000000041424344; // /0 /0 /0 /0 A B C D